Code designed for transmission of classical information through classical channels in a robust way.
A code is a subset of a set or alphabet, with each element called a codeword. An error-correcting code consists of \(K\) codewords over an alphabet with \(N\) elements such that it is possible to recover the codewords from errors \(E\) from some error set \(\mathcal{E}\).
The Shannon channel capacity (the maximum of the mutual information over input and output distributions) is the highest rate of information transmission through a classical (i.e., non-quantum) channel with arbitrarily small error rate [1]. The fault-tolerant capacity is the capacity for the more general case where the encoding and decoding maps are also assumed to undergo noise [2].
Corrections to the capacity and tradeoff between decoding error, code rate and code length are determined using small [3–5], moderate [6–8] and large [9–12] deviation analysis. Sometimes the difference from the asymptotic rate at finite block length can be characterized by the channel dispersion [5,13].
See Ref. [14] for a list of open problems in coding theory.See Refs. [15,16] for reviews of coding theory.Classical systems such as RAM [17], HPC systems [18–20], and data centers [21] suffer from noise.Cousin
- Quantum error-correcting code (QECC)— Quantum information cannot be copied using a linear process [22], so one cannot send several copies of a quantum state through a channel as can be done for classical information. The Knill-Laflamme conditions can similarly be formulated for classical codes [23; Sec. 3], although they are not as widely as used as those for quantum codes.
Member of code lists
Primary Hierarchy
- [1]
- C. E. Shannon, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”, Bell System Technical Journal 27, 379 (1948) DOI
- [2]
- M. Christandl and A. Müller-Hermes, “Fault-Tolerant Coding for Quantum Communication”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 70, 282 (2024) arXiv:2009.07161 DOI
- [3]
- V. Strassen, “Asymptotische Absch¨atzungen in Shannons Informationstheorie,” Trans. Third Prague Conference on Information Theory, Prague, 689–723, (1962)
- [4]
- M. Hayashi, “Information Spectrum Approach to Second-Order Coding Rate in Channel Coding”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55, 4947 (2009) arXiv:0801.2242 DOI
- [5]
- Y. Polyanskiy, H. V. Poor, and S. Verdu, “Channel Coding Rate in the Finite Blocklength Regime”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56, 2307 (2010) DOI
- [6]
- Y. Altug and A. B. Wagner, “Moderate Deviations in Channel Coding”, (2012) arXiv:1208.1924
- [7]
- Y. Polyanskiy and S. Verdu, “Channel dispersion and moderate deviations limits for memoryless channels”, 2010 48th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) 1334 (2010) DOI
- [8]
- C. T. Chubb, V. Y. F. Tan, and M. Tomamichel, “Moderate Deviation Analysis for Classical Communication over Quantum Channels”, Communications in Mathematical Physics 355, 1283 (2017) arXiv:1701.03114 DOI
- [9]
- R. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication (Springer Vienna, 1972) DOI
- [10]
- I. Csiszár and J. Körner, Information Theory (Cambridge University Press, 2011) DOI
- [11]
- S. Arimoto, “On the converse to the coding theorem for discrete memoryless channels (Corresp.)”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 19, 357 (1973) DOI
- [12]
- G. Dueck and J. Korner, “Reliability function of a discrete memoryless channel at rates above capacity (Corresp.)”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 25, 82 (1979) DOI
- [13]
- S. H. Hassani, K. Alishahi, and R. L. Urbanke, “Finite-Length Scaling for Polar Codes”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60, 5875 (2014) DOI
- [14]
- S. Dougherty, J.-L. Kim, and P. Solé, “Open Problems in Coding Theory”, Noncommutative Rings and Their Applications 79 (2015) DOI
- [15]
- A. R. Calderbank, “The art of signaling: fifty years of coding theory”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44, 2561 (1998) DOI
- [16]
- D. J. Costello Jr. and G. D. Forney Jr, “Channel Coding: The Road to Channel Capacity”, (2006) arXiv:cs/0611112
- [17]
- B. Schroeder, E. Pinheiro, and W.-D. Weber, “DRAM errors in the wild”, Communications of the ACM 54, 100 (2011) DOI
- [18]
- S. Levy, K. B. Ferreira, N. DeBardeleben, T. Siddiqua, V. Sridharan, and E. Baseman, “Lessons Learned from Memory Errors Observed Over the Lifetime of Cielo”, SC18: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (2018) DOI
- [19]
- K. B. Ferreira, S. Levy, J. Hemmert, and K. Pedretti, “Understanding Memory Failures on a Petascale Arm System”, Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (2022) DOI
- [20]
- C. Di Martino, Z. Kalbarczyk, R. K. Iyer, F. Baccanico, J. Fullop, and W. Kramer, “Lessons Learned from the Analysis of System Failures at Petascale: The Case of Blue Waters”, 2014 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (2014) DOI
- [21]
- J. Meza, Q. Wu, S. Kumar, and O. Mutlu, “Revisiting Memory Errors in Large-Scale Production Data Centers: Analysis and Modeling of New Trends from the Field”, 2015 45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (2015) DOI
- [22]
- W. K. Wootters and W. H. Zurek, “A single quantum cannot be cloned”, Nature 299, 802 (1982) DOI
- [23]
- B. Yoshida, “Decoding the Entanglement Structure of Monitored Quantum Circuits”, (2021) arXiv:2109.08691
- [24]
- M. K. Patra and S. L. Braunstein, “An algebraic framework for information theory: Classical Information”, (2009) arXiv:0910.1536
- [25]
- G. Kuperberg and N. Weaver, “A von Neumann algebra approach to quantum metrics”, (2010) arXiv:1005.0353
- [26]
- J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloane, “Orbit and coset analysis of the Golay and related codes”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36, 1038 (1990) DOI
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- Victor V. Albert (2022-11-06) — most recent
Cite as:
“Error-correcting code (ECC)”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.