Editing code[1]
Alternative names: Insertion and deletion code.
A code designed to protect against insertions, where a new symbol is added somewhere within the string, and deletions, where a symbol at an unknown location is erased.Protection
The metric measuring distance of an error word to the nearest codeword is the Levenshtein's deletion distance: given vectors \(u,v\), this distance is one-half the smallest number of deletions and insertions needed to change \(u\) to \(v\). A code \(C\) corrects \(e\) deletions if all codewords are separated by at least \(e+1\) in the deletion distance [2]. Similar distances, collectively called editing distances, can be defined for insertions and related operations [3; Sec. 22.7].Rate
An asymptotically good linear code against bit-flip errors can be converted into an asymptotically good code against insertion-deletion errors [4].Notes
See Refs. [5,6][3; Sec. 22.7] for more details.Cousins
- Permutation-invariant (PI) code— PI codes of distance \(d\) can protect against \(d-1\) (quantum) deletion errors.
- Combinatorial design— Perfect deletion correcting codes can be constructed using combinatorial design theory [7,8].
- Perfect code— Perfect deletion correcting codes can be constructed using combinatorial design theory [7,8].
Member of code lists
Primary Hierarchy
Editing code
DNA codes can typically handle base-pair insertions and deletions.
- [1]
- Levenshtein, Vladimir I. "Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals." Soviet physics doklady. Vol. 10. No. 8. 1966.
- [2]
- N. J. A. Sloane, “On Single-Deletion-Correcting Codes”, (2002) arXiv:math/0207197
- [3]
- M. Firer, "Alternative Metrics." Concise Encyclopedia of Coding Theory (Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2021) DOI
- [4]
- K. Cheng, V. Guruswami, B. Haeupler, and X. Li, “Efficient Linear and Affine Codes for Correcting Insertions/Deletions”, (2022) arXiv:2007.09075
- [5]
- K. Tatwawadi and S. Chandak, “Tutorial on algebraic deletion correction codes”, (2019) arXiv:1906.07887
- [6]
- B. Haeupler and A. Shahrasbi, “Synchronization Strings and Codes for Insertions and Deletions—A Survey”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 67, 3190 (2021) DOI
- [7]
- P. A. H. Bours, “On the construction of perfect deletion-correcting codes using design theory”, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 6, 5 (1995) DOI
- [8]
- A. Mahmoodi, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 14, 81 (1998) DOI
Page edit log
- Fengxing Zhu (2024-03-16) — most recent
- Victor V. Albert (2024-03-16)
Cite as:
“Editing code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/insertion_deletion