Maximum-rank distance (MRD) code[13] 

Also known as Optimal rank-distance code.


An \([n\times m,k,d]_q\) rank-metric code whose parameters are such that the Singleton-like bound \begin{align} k \leq \max(n, m) (\min(n, m) - d + 1) \tag*{(1)}\end{align} become an equality.


Useful for error and erasure correction in network coding [4,5].



  • Maximum distance separable (MDS) code — MRD codes are matrix-code analogues of MDS codes.
  • Reed-Solomon (RS) code — MRD rank-metric codes can be thought of as matrix analogues of MDS Reed-Solomon codes as both constructions utilize a Vandermonde matrix [6].
  • Gabidulin code — Gabidulin codes over \(GF(q^N)\) with maximum rank-distance, when expressed as matrices over \(GF(q)\), are MRD codes.


P. Delsarte, “Bilinear forms over a finite field, with applications to coding theory”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 25, 226 (1978) DOI
E. M. Gabidulin, "Theory of Codes with Maximum Rank Distance", Problemy Peredachi Informacii, Volume 21, Issue 1, 3–16 (1985)
R. M. Roth, “Maximum-rank array codes and their application to crisscross error correction”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37, 328 (1991) DOI
R. Koetter and F. Kschischang, “Coding for Errors and Erasures in Random Network Coding”, (2008) arXiv:cs/0703061
D. Silva, F. R. Kschischang, and R. Koetter, “A Rank-Metric Approach to Error Control in Random Network Coding”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54, 3951 (2008) arXiv:0711.0708 DOI
R. Koetter and F. R. Kschischang, “Coding for Errors and Erasures in Random Network Coding”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54, 3579 (2008) DOI
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“Maximum-rank distance (MRD) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.
@incollection{eczoo_maximum_rank_distance, title={Maximum-rank distance (MRD) code}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2022}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={} }
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“Maximum-rank distance (MRD) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.
