Reed-Solomon (RS) code[13] 


An \([n,k,n-k+1]_q\) linear code based on polynomials over \(GF(q)\).

Let \(\{\alpha_1,\cdots,\alpha_n\}\) be \(n\) distinct points in \(GF(q)\). An RS code encodes a message \(\mu=\{\mu_0,\cdots,\mu_{k-1}\}\) into \(\{f_\mu(\alpha_1),\cdots,f_\mu(\alpha_n)\}\) using a message-dependent polynomial \begin{align} f_\mu(x)=\mu_0+\mu_1 x + \cdots + \mu_{k-1}x^{k-1}. \tag*{(1)}\end{align} In other words, each message \(\mu\) is encoded into a string of values of the corresponding polynomial \(f_\mu\) at the points \(\alpha_i\), \begin{align} \mu\to\left( f_{\mu}\left(\alpha_{1}\right),f_{\mu}\left(\alpha_{2}\right),\cdots,f_{\mu}\left(\alpha_{n}\right)\right) \,. \tag*{(2)}\end{align}


Since each polynomial \(f_{\mu}\) is of degree less than \(k\), it has less than \(k\) roots; this is called the degree mantra. Therefore, the polynomial can be determined from its values at \(k\) points. This means that RS codes can correct erasures on up to \(n-k\) registers. The resulting distance, \(d=n-k+1\), saturates the Singleton bound.


Bit-serial encoder [4].\([n,k,n-k+1]\) RS code requires an order \(O(n^2)\) operations while encoding if a straightforward matrix multiplication is employed and \(k=O(n)\). Using the FFT algorithm, complexity of evaluating a polynomial at \(n\) roots of unity becomes \(O(n\log n)\). The FFT can be generalized to finite fields and rings, which is referred as Number-theoretic Transform (NTT). However, for some values of \(n\), which can not be factorized into small primes or do not have \(n\) roots of unity, the FFT algorithm fails. Independently developed by [5,6] and generalized in Ref. [7], the additive FFT solves this problem by evaluating the polynomial at \(n-1\) roots of unity when \(n\) is power of 2.


Decoding general RS codes is \(NP\)-hard [8].Although using iFFT has its counterpart iNNT for finite fields, the decoding is usually standard polynomial interpolation in \(k=O(n\log^2 n)\). However, in erasure decoding, encoded values are only erased in \(r\) points, which is a specific case of polynomial interpolation and can be done in \(O(n\log n)\) by computing product of the received polynomial and an erasure locator polynomial and using long division to find an original polynomial. The long division step can be omitted to increase speed further by only dividing the derivative of the product polynomial, and derivative of erasure locator polynomial evaluated at erasure locations.Berlekamp-Massey decoder with runtime of order \(O(n^2)\) [9,10].Gorenstein-Peterson-Zierler decoder with runtime of order \(O(n^3)\) [11,12] (see exposition in Ref. [13]).Berlekamp-Welch decoder with runtime of order \(O(n^3)\) [14] (see exposition in Ref. [15]), assuming that \(t \geq (n+k)/2\).Gao decoder using extended Euclidean algorithm [16].Fast-Fourier-transform decoder with runtime of order \(O(n \text{polylog}n)\) [17].List decoders try to find a low-degree bivariate polynomial \(Q(x,y)\) such that evaluation of \(Q\) at \((\alpha_i,y_i)\) is zero. By choosing proper degrees, it can be shown such polynomial exists by drawing an analogy between evaluation of \(Q(\alpha_i,y_i)\) and solving a homogenous linear equation (interpolation). Once this is done, one lists roots of \(y\) that agree at \(\geq t\) points. The breakthrough Sudan list-decoding algorithm corrects up to \(1-\sqrt{2R}\) fraction of errors asymptotically in \(n\) [18]. Roth and Ruckenstein proposed a modified key equation that allows for correction of more than \(\left\lfloor (n-k)/2 \right\rfloor\) errors [19]. The Guruswami-Sudan algorithm improved the Sudan algorithm to \(1-\sqrt{R}\) [20], meaning that RS codes achieve list-decoding capacity; see Ref. [21] for bounds. It was later shown that generic RS codes achieve list-decoding capacity [22]. A modification of the Guruswami-Sudan algorithm by Koetter and Vardy is used for soft-decision decoding [23] (see also Ref. [24]). Subcodes of RS codes whose evaluation points lie in a subfield can be decoded up to the \(1-R\) [25].The ubiquity of RS codes has yielded off-the-shelf VLSI intergrated-circuit decoding hardware [26] (see also Ref. [27], Ch. 5 and 10).


RS Product Code (RSPC) was used in DVDs (see Ref. [27], Ch. 4).DSL technologies and their variants against impluse noise [28].Cryptographic primitives based on the hardness of decoding RS codes for more than \(1-\sqrt{k/n}+\epsilon\) errors. This is equivalent to the polynomial reconstruction problem [29].RS codes as outer codes concatenated with convolutional codes are used indirectly in space exploration programs such as Voyager and Galileo. RS codes were part of a telemetry channel coding standard issued by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (see Ref. [27], Ch. 3).Automatic repeat request (ARQ) data transmission protocols (see Ref. [27], Ch. 7).Slow-frequency-hop spread-spectrum transmission (see Ref. [27], Chs. 8-9).RS codes over \(q=2^m\) are used in RAID 6 [30,31]; see [32].Coded sharding designs in blockchains to increase efficiency [33].Used in QR-Codes to retrieve damaged barcodes [34].Wireless communication systems such as 3G, DVB, and WiMAX [35].Correcting pooled testing results for SARS-CoV-2 [36].DNA storage [37].


See Kaiserslautern database [38] for explicit codes.See corresponding MinT database entry [39].Popular summary in Quanta Magazine.



  • Narrow-sense RS code — A narrow-sense RS is an RS code with length \(n=q-1\) whose points \(\alpha_i\) are all \((i-1)\)st powers of a primitive element of \(GF(q)\).
  • \(q\)-ary parity-check code — RS codes for \(k=n-1\) are parity-check codes [41].



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“Reed-Solomon (RS) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.
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