Linear \(q\)-ary code 


An \((n,K,d)_q\) linear code is denoted as \([n,k,d]_q\), where \(k=\log_q K\) need not be an integer. Its codewords form a linear subspace, i.e., for any codewords \(x,y\), \(\alpha x+ \beta y\) is also a codeword for any \(q\)-ary digits \(\alpha,\beta\). This extra structure yields much information about their properties, making them a large and well-studied subset of codes.

Linear codes can be defined in terms of a generator matrix \(G\), whose rows form a basis for the \(k\)-dimensional codespace. Given a message \(x\), the corresponding encoded codeword is \(G^T x\). The generator matrix can be reduced via coordinate permutations to its standard or systematic form \(G = [I_k~~A]\), where \(I_k\) is a \(k\times k\) identity matrix and \(A\) is a \(k \times (n-k)\) \(q\)-ary matrix. The code also comes with a parity check matrix \(H\), whose columns make up a maximal linearly independent set of vectors that are in the kernel of \(G\).

The monomial group of order \((q-1)^n n!\) is formed by \(n\)-dimensional matrices with one nonzero field element in each row and column. Two linear \(q\)-ary codes are (monomial) equivalent if the codewords of one code can be mapped into those of the other under a monomial group element [1; Ch. 8][2; Ch. 3]. The automorphism group of a linear \(q\)-ary code is the largest subgroup of the monomial group that maps the code onto itself.


Distance \(d\) of a linear code is the number of nonzero entries in the (nonzero) codeword with the smallest such number. Corrects any error set such that the difference of any pair of distinct elements of the set is a codeword.

Geometrically local \(q\)-ary codes are limited by the classical Bravyi-Poulin-Terhal (BPT) bound [3], known to be tight in any Euclidean dimension [4].


Any code admitting a two-transitive automorphism group achieves capacity under the binary erasure channel [57].


Maximum likelihood (ML) decoding. This algorithm decodes a received word to the most likely sent codeword based on the received word. ML decoding of reduced complexity is possible for virtually all \(q\)-ary linear codes [8].Optimal symbol-by-symbol decoding rule [9].Information set decoding (ISD) [10], a probabilistic decoding strategy that essentially tries to guess \(k\) correct positions in the received word, where \(k\) is the size of the code. Then, an error vector is constructed to map the received word onto the nearest codeword, assuming the \(k\) positions are error free. When the Hamming weight of the error vector is low enough, that codeword is assumed to be the intended transmission.Generalized minimum-distance decoder [11].Soft-decision maximum-likelihood trellis-based decoder [12].Random linear codes over large fields are list-recoverable and list-decodable up to near-optimal rates [13].Extensions of algebraic-geometry decoders to linear codes [14,15].


The two extreme examples of codes are the \([n,0,n]_q\) zero code and its dual the \([n,n,1]_q\) universe code.University of Salzburg's MinT application generates an optimal parameter table for a linear code \([n,k,d]_q\), contingent on an optional fluctuation of maximal Hamming code distance, rank, and length, along with other specifications.


  • Additive \(q\)-ary code — For \(q>2\), additive codes need not be linear since linearity also requires closure under multiplication.
  • \(R\)-linear code — Linear \(q\)-ary codes are \(GF(q)\)-linear.




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“Linear \(q\)-ary code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.
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“Linear \(q\)-ary code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.
