Rank-modulation Gray code (RMGC)[1,2] 

Also known as Code in permutations.


A family of codes that encode a finite set of size \(M\) into a group \(S_n\) of permutations of \([n]=(1,2,...,n)\). They can be derived from Lee-metric codes, Reed-Solomon codes [3], quadratic residue codes and most binary codes.


Protects against errors in the Kendall tau distance on the space of permutations. The Kendall distance between permutations \(\sigma\) and \(\pi\) is defined as the minimum number of adjacent transpositions required to change \(\sigma\) into \(\pi\).


Rank modulation codes with code distance \(d=\Theta(n^{1+\epsilon})\) for \(\epsilon\in[0,1]\) achieve a rate of \(1-\epsilon\) [4].


Electronic devices where charges can either increase in an individual cell or decrease in a block of adjacent cells, e.g., flash memories [5].


  • Group-alphabet code — Group-alphabet codes whose alphabet is based on the permutation group \(S_n\) are rank-modulation codes.


  • Gray code — The rank-modulation Gray code is an extension of the original binary Gray code to a code on the permutation group [5].
  • Reed-Solomon (RS) code — RS codes can be used to design rank modulation codes [3].
  • Binary permutation-based code — Binary permutation-based codes also encode messages into permutations but protect against errors with the Hamming distance.


H. Chadwick and L. Kurz, “Rank permutation group codes based on Kendall’s correlation statistic”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 15, 306 (1969) DOI
Anxiao Jiang, M. Schwartz, and J. Bruck, “Error-correcting codes for rank modulation”, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2008) DOI
A. Mazumdar, A. Barg, and G. Zémor, “Constructions of Rank Modulation Codes”, (2011) arXiv:1110.2557
A. Barg and A. Mazumdar, “Codes in permutations and error correction for rank modulation”, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2010) DOI
Anxiao Jiang et al., “Rank Modulation for Flash Memories”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55, 2659 (2009) DOI
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“Rank-modulation Gray code (RMGC)”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/rank_modulation
@incollection{eczoo_rank_modulation, title={Rank-modulation Gray code (RMGC)}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2022}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/rank_modulation} }
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“Rank-modulation Gray code (RMGC)”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/rank_modulation

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