A linear code over \(GF(q^N)\) that corrects errors over rank metric instead of the traditional Hamming distance. Every element \(GF(q^N)\) can be written as an \(N\)-dimensional vector with coefficients in \(GF(q)\), and the rank of a set of elements is rank of the matrix formed by their coefficients.
Given \(X^n=\text{span}\{x_i\}\), an \(n\)-dimensional vector space over \(GF(q^N)\) (where \(q\) is a power of a prime number), the rank metric \(d(x, y)\) is defined via the rank norm \(r(x, q) = \mathrm{rank}(A(x))\), where \begin{align} A(x) = \begin{pmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & \ldots & a_{1n} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} & \ldots & a_{2n} \\ a_{N1} & a_{N2} & \ldots & a_{Nn}~, \end{pmatrix} \tag*{(1)}\end{align} and \(x_i = a_{1i} u_1 + a_{2i} u_2 + \ldots + a_{Ni}u_N \) for some fixed basis \(\{u_i\}_{i=1}^N\).
Set of vectors \(\{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_M\}\) determines a rank code with distance \(d=\min d(x_i, x_j)\). The code with distance \(d\) corrects all errors with rank of the error not greater than \(\lfloor (d-1)/2\rfloor\).Decoding
Fast decoder based on a transform-domain approach [4].Algebraic list decoder that decodes up to the Singleton bound [5].Realizations
Public-key cryptosystems [6,7].Digital watermarking. The Gabidulin code provides efficient correction against luminance tampering and image-slicing distortion due to the consistency of the rank against alterations such as column swapping [8].Cousins
- Maximum-rank distance (MRD) code— Gabidulin codes over \(GF(q^N)\) with maximum rank-distance, when expressed as matrices over \(GF(q)\), are MRD codes.
- Linear \(q\)-ary code— Gabidulin codes over \(GF(q^N)\), when expressed as vectors over \(GF(q^N)\), are linear \(q\)-ary codes.
- Linearized RS code— Gabidulin codes are particular cases of linearized RS codes because the sum-rank metric generalizes the rank metric [9].
- Generalized Srivastava code— Generalized Srivastava codes for \(m=1\) are equivalent to Gabidulin codes [10; pg. 359].
- Subspace code— Gabidulin codes can be used to construct asymptotically good subspace codes [11,12].
- Quantum Gabidulin code— A quantum Gabidulin code is defined using two Gabidulin codes with associated parameters \(r,s\), respectively, such that \(r+s = n\) [13].
Member of code lists
Primary Hierarchy
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Page edit log
- Micah Shaw (2022-08-09) — most recent
- Victor V. Albert (2022-05-25)
- Victor V. Albert (2021-12-16)
- Marianna Podzorova (2021-12-13)
Cite as:
“Gabidulin code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.