Reed-Muller code GRM\(_q(r,m)\) of length \(n=q^m\) over \(GF(q)\) with \(0\leq r\leq m(q-1)\). Its codewords are evaluations of the set of all degree-\(\leq r\) polynomials in \(m\) variables at the points of \(GF(q)\).
Since \(\beta^q=\beta\) for any \(\beta\in GF(q)\), the above definition is not injective. Replacing each factor in each polynomial as \(x^q\to x\), the above set reduces to the set of all degree-\(\leq r\) polynomials in \(m\) variables such that no term has an exponent \(q\) or higher on any variable.
Its automorphism group is the general affine group \(GA(m,GF(q))\) [4]. Any nontrivial \(q\)-ary linear code invariant under this group is equivalent to a GRM code [5].
GRM codes achieve capacity on sufficiently symmetric non-binary channels [8].Cousins
- Group-algebra code— GRM codes over prime-power fields are group-algebra codes [12–14][15; Exam. 16.4.11].
- Cyclic linear \(q\)-ary code— GRM codes with nonzero evaluation points are cyclic [7; pg. 52].
- \(q\)-ary linear LTC— GRM codes for \(r<q\) can be LTCs in the low- [16,17] and high-error [18,19] regimes. They admit weakly stable presentations of their corresponding groups [20].
- Difference-set cyclic (DSC) code— DSC codes can be subfield subcodes of GRM codes, and visa versa [21; Thm. 6.14].
- Finite-geometry LDPC (FG-LDPC) code— Some EG-LDPC codes are duals of subfield subcodes of GRM codes [22; pg. 448].
- Batch code— GRM codes can be used to construct batch codes [23].
- \(q\)-ary Hamming code— \(q\)-ary Hamming codes are dual to first-order GRM codes [7; pg. 45].
- Galois-qudit quantum RM code— Generalized RM codes can be used to construct Galois-qudit RM codes.
- Galois-qudit expander code— Expander codes with RS inner codes contain GRM codewords because tensor products of univariate polynomials (corresponding to RS codewords) yield multivariate polynomials (corresponding to GRM codewords) [24].
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- Victor V. Albert (2022-07-20) — most recent
Cite as:
“Generalized RM (GRM) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.