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Locally decodable code (LDC)[1]


Recall that a block code encodes a length-\(k\) message into a length-\(n\) codeword, which is then sent through a noise channel to yield an error word. Informally, an LDC is a block code for which one can recover any coordinate of the message from at most \(r\) coordinates of the error word (assuming the error word is within some tolerated corruption rate \(\delta\)). Efficiency of the correction is quantified by the code's query complexity \(r\), and correction is performed by sampling subsets of \(r\) bits.

LDCs have applications in computational complexity theory and cryptography [35][2; Sec. 17.4].

Modified versions of local decodability include relaxed local decodability [6].


Families of LDCs with query complexity \(r=2\) need \(n\) to scale exponentially with \(k\) [7,8].


LDCs admit decoders whose runtime scales polylogarithmically with \(n\).


See notes by Z. Dvir and Ref. [9,10] for introductions to LDCs and LCCs.


Primary Hierarchy

Locally decodable code (LDC)
Linear LCCs can be converted into LDCs with the same locality \(r\) [9; Sec. 2.4.1].


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Cite as:

“Locally decodable code (LDC)”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/ldc

Github: https://github.com/errorcorrectionzoo/eczoo_data/edit/main/codes/classical/properties/block/distributed_storage/ldc.yml.