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Quasi group-algebra code

Alternative names: Quasi-\(G\) code.


A \(q\)-ary linear code based on a finite group \( G \) of order \(n/\ell\) for some index \(\ell\). The code is a right submodule of the direct sum of \(\ell\) copies of the group algebra \(\mathbb{F}_q G\). A quasi group-algebra code for an Abelian group is called an Abelian quasi group-algebra code.


  • Quasi-cyclic code— A quasi group-algebra code for \(G\) being the cyclic group is a quasi-cyclic \(q\)-ary linear code.

Primary Hierarchy

A linear code is a quasi group-algebra code for a group \(G\) and index \(\ell\) if and only if \(G\) is isomorphic to a regular subgroup of the code's permutation automorphism group which acts freely of index \(\ell\) on the coordinates [1; Thm. 3.5].
Quasi group-algebra code
A quasi group-algebra code of index \(\ell=1\) is a group-algebra code.


M. Borello and W. Willems, “On the algebraic structure of quasi group codes”, (2021) arXiv:1912.09167
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Zoo Code ID: quasi_group

Cite as:
“Quasi group-algebra code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/quasi_group
@incollection{eczoo_quasi_group, title={Quasi group-algebra code}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2023}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/quasi_group} }
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Cite as:

“Quasi group-algebra code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/quasi_group

Github: https://github.com/errorcorrectionzoo/eczoo_data/edit/main/codes/classical/q-ary_digits/group/quasi_group.yml.