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Self-dual linear code


An \([n,n/2]_q\) code that is equal to its dual, \(C^\perp = C\), where the dual is defined with respect to an inner product, most commonly either Euclidean or Hermitian. Self-dual codes exist only for even lengths and have dimension \(k=n/2\). A code that is equivalent to its dual is called iso-dual.

An even (doubly even) self-dual code is called Type I (Type II) [1,2]. Ternary (quaternary) self-dual codes are called Type III (Type IV), and each of their codewords has weight three (two).


The generator matrix of the Hermitian dual of a code with generator matrix \(G = [I_k~~A]\) is \([-\bar{A}^T~~I_{n-k}]\), where \(\bar{A}\) contains matrix elements of \(A\) raised to the \(p\)th power. A code is Hermitian self-dual if and only if \(A \bar{A}^{T} = -I_{n/2}\).

The minimum distance of a Hermitian self-dual \([n,n/2]\) code satisfies \begin{align} d\leq\begin{cases} 2\left\lfloor \frac{n}{8}\right\rfloor +2 & q=2\text{ and code is singly-even}\\ 4\left\lfloor \frac{n}{24}\right\rfloor +4 & q=2\text{ and code is doubly even}\\ 3\left\lfloor \frac{n}{12}\right\rfloor +3 & q=3\\ 2\left\lfloor \frac{n}{6}\right\rfloor +2 & q=4\text{ and code is even} \end{cases}~, \tag*{(1)}\end{align} except for \(n = 22\) modulo four for the second case, where the bound is increased by four [3]. A self-dual code saturating the above inequality is called extremal.

Fixed-weight codewords of extremal self-dual doubly even binary codes whose length divides 24 form a combinatorial 5-design [4]. The extended Golay code and the \([48,24,12]\) self-dual code are two such codes. It is not yet known whether a \([72,36,16]\) self-dual code exists; see [5,6][7; Remark 4.3.11]. The \([22,11]\) and \([24,12]\) doubly even self-dual codes have been classified, and there are nine inequivalent codes with the latter parameters [8].

For ternary self-dual codes, see [9][7; Remark 4.3.14].


See books [10,11] for more on self-dual codes.See Refs. [12,13] for constructions of binary self-dual codes.See Tables of Self-Dual Codes for a database of self-dual codes over \(GF(2)\), \(GF(3)\), \(GF(4)\) (Euclidean or Hermitian), \(GF(5)\), and \(GF(7)\). See also Ref. [14].


  • Divisible code— Binary self-dual codes are singly-even, and binary self-orthogonal codes that are not doubly even are singly-even [15; Def. 4.1.6]. The minimum distance of doubly even binary self-dual codes asymptotically satisfies \(d\leq0.1664n+o(n)\) [16].
  • Unimodular lattice— Unimodular lattices are lattice analogues of self-dual codes. There are several parallels between (doubly even) self-dual binary codes and (even) unimodular lattices [2,10].
  • Niemeier lattice— The nine inequivalent \([24,12]\) doubly even self-dual codes [8] yield certain Niemeier lattices via Construction A [17]. Niemeier lattices can be constructed from ternary self-dual codes of length 24 [18].
  • Combinatorial design— Self-dual extremal codes yield combinatorial \(\leq 5\)-designs using the Assmus-Mattson theorem [4] (see [19; Sec. 5.4]). See [20; Table 1.61, pg. 683] for a table of combinatorial designs obtained from self-dual codes.
  • Nordstrom-Robinson (NR) code— The NR code is self-dual in that its distance distribution is invariant under the MacWilliams transform [21]. It maps to the octacode, a self-dual code over \(\mathbb{Z}_4\) under the Gray map [22,23].
  • Ternary Golay code— The extended ternary Golay code is self-dual.
  • Cyclic linear \(q\)-ary code— See Refs. [24,25] for tables of cyclic self-dual codes.
  • Harada-Kitazume code— Codewords consisting of 0 and 2 of nine Harada-Kitazume codes are of the form \(2c\), where \(c\) is a codeword of one of the nine corresponding \([24,12]\) doubly even self-dual codes [17].
  • Jump code— Iso-dual codes can be used to construct jump codes [26].
  • Hermitian qubit code— Hermitian qubit codes are constructed from Hermitian self-orthogonal linear codes over \(GF(4)\) via the \(GF(4)\) representation. This relation yields bounds on self-dual codes over \(GF(4)\) [27].
  • Triorthogonal code— Self-dual binary codes can be used to construct triorthogonal codes [28].

Primary Hierarchy

Self-dual linear codes with respect to some inner product are automatically self-dual additive under the same inner product since linear codes are additive. In addition, quaternary linear codes are Hermitian self-orthogonal (self-dual) iff they are trace-Hermitian self-orthogonal (self-dual) additive [29; Thm. 27.4.1] ([11; Thm. 9.10.3]).
Self-dual linear code
The extended Golay code is the unique code at its parameters and happens to be self-dual and doubly even [30][7; Remark 4.3.11].
Karlin double circulant codes are self-dual doubly even codes [31; Ch. 16]
The \([48,24,12]\) self-dual code is the only self-dual doubly even code at its parameters [32].
The \([8,4,4]\) extended Hamming code is the smallest doubly even self-dual code.
The hexacode is Hermitian self-dual and, as a result, is also trace-Hermitian self-dual additive [11; Sec. 9.10]. The hexacode and the shortened hexacode are extremal [11; Tab. 9.14][33; Tm. 12].
The tetracode is Euclidean self-dual.


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“Self-dual linear code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/self_dual
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