Hermitian qubit code[1] 

Also known as Calderbank-Rains-Shor-Sloane (CRSS) code, \(GF(4)\)-linear code.


An \([[n,k,d]]\) stabilizer code constructed from a Hermitian self-orthogonal linear quaternary code using the \(GF(4)\) representation.

Hermitian codes are in one-to-one correspondence with Hermitian self-orthogonal additive codes via the \(GF(4)\) representation. Quaternary linear codes are Hermitian self-orthogonal (self-dual) iff they are trace-Hermitian self-orthogonal (self-dual) additive [2; Thm. 27.4.1] ([3; Thm. 9.10.3]). In other words, if the underlying quaternary code is linear, then the field trace can be removed from the definition of inner product.

All of its automorphisms lie in the Clifford group [4; Corr. 16].


A Hermitian self-orthogonal linear \([n,k,d]_{4}\) code yields an \([[n,n-2k]]\) qubit stabilizer code with distance no less than \(d\); this is the qubit Hermitian construction. A variant, related to Construction X, allows for the use of nearly self-orthogonal codes [5].

The stabilizer generator matrix is of the form \begin{align} H=\begin{pmatrix}H\\ \alpha H \end{pmatrix}~, \tag*{(1)}\end{align} where \(H\) is the parity-check matrix of the classical code.

Transversal Gates

Transversal \(SH\) and \(HS\) gates [6; Sec. 8.2].The three-block transversal gate mapping each physical \(X \to XYZ\) and each \(Z \to ZXY\) implements a logical gate [7][8; Exam. 2].

Fault Tolerance

Characterizing fault-tolerant multi-qubit gates under the \(GF(4)\) representation may involve characterizing all global automorphisms of some number of copies of a code that preserve the symplectic inner product [8; pg. 9].


Tables of \([[n,0,d]]\) Hermitian codes [9,10], corresponding to a self-dual \(GF(4)\) representation, at this website. Bounds on self-dual \([[n,0,d]]\) Hermitian codes based on graphs have been derived [11].




  • Dual linear code — Hermitian qubit codes are constructed from Hermitian self-orthogonal linear codes over \(GF(4)\) via the \(GF(4)\) representation.
  • Constacyclic code — Duadic constacyclic codes yield many examples of Hermitian qubit codes [14].
  • Graph-adjacency code — Bounds on self-dual \([[n,0,d]]\) Hermitian codes based on graphs have been derived [11].
  • Perfect-tensor code — The sole codeword of some \([[n,0,d]]\) Hermitian codes is an AME state [15].
  • Perfect quantum code — The only perfect qubit codes are the Hermitian qubit code family \([[(4^r-1)/3, (4^r-1)/3 - 2r, 3]]\) for \(r \geq 2\), obtained from Hamming codes over \(GF(4)\) [1,16].
  • \([[13,1,5]]\) cyclic code — A different cyclic \([[13,1,5]]\) code can be derived from a quaternary QR code using the Hermitian construction [17]; see [18; pg. 11] for details.
  • Qubit BCH code — Hermitian self-orthogonal quaternary BCH codes are used to construct a subset of qubit BCH codes via the Hermitian construction.


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“Hermitian qubit code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/stabilizer_over_gf4
@incollection{eczoo_stabilizer_over_gf4, title={Hermitian qubit code}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2024}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/stabilizer_over_gf4} }
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“Hermitian qubit code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/stabilizer_over_gf4

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