\([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code[1,2] 

Also known as Iceberg code.


Self-complementary CSS code for \(m\geq 2\) with generators \(\{XX\cdots X, ZZ\cdots Z\} \) acting on all \(2m\) physical qubits. The code is constructed via the CSS construction from an SPC code and a repetition code [3; Sec. III]. This is the highest-rate distance-two code when an even number of qubits is used [4].

Admits a basis such that each codeword is a superposition of a computational basis state labeled by an even-weight bitstring \(b\) and a state labeled by the negation of \(b\). Its all-zero logical state is a conventional GHz state.

All of its automorphisms lie in the Clifford group [5; Thm. 13].


Detects a single-qubit error.


Adaptive constant-depth circuit with geometrically local gates and measurements throughout [6,7].

Transversal Gates

Transveral CNOT gates can be performed by first teleporting qubits into different code blocks [2; Sec. VII].


Logical SWAP gates can be performed fault tolerantly using an ancilla qubit [2; Sec. VII].Universal set of gates, each of which is supported on two qubits [8].Fault-tolerant Clifford Trotter circuits that are linear in \(k\) using flag qubits via a solve-and-stitch algorithm and application of a logical identity circuit [9].

Fault Tolerance

Logical SWAP gates can be performed fault tolerantly using an ancilla qubit [2; Sec. VII].Two-qubit fault-tolerant state preparation, error detection and projective measurements [10] (see also [8]).CNOT and Hadamard gates using only two extra qubits and four-qubit fault-tolerant CCZ gate [11].Fault-tolerant Clifford Trotter circuits using flag qubits [9].


Trapped-ion devices: the \(m=5\) code has been realized on a 12-qubit device by Quantinuum [8].


See description of the code in Ref. [12].




  • Single parity-check (SPC) code — The \([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code is constructed via the CSS construction from an SPC code and its dual repetition code [3; Sec. III].
  • Repetition code — The \([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code is constructed via the CSS construction from an SPC code and its dual repetition code [3; Sec. III].
  • \([[4,2,2]]_{G}\) four group-qudit code — The four group-qudit code can be extended to the \([[2m,2m-2,2]]_{G}\) group-qudit code [15; Sec. VIII]. The latter reduces to the \([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code for \(G=\mathbb{Z}_2\).
  • Jump code — The subcode of the \([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code consisting of codewords labeled by weight-\(m\) bitstrings is a \(((2m,\frac{1}{2}{2m \choose m},1))_{m}\) optimal jump code [16][17; Corr. 9].
  • Hybrid stabilizer code — The \([[2m+1,2m+2:1,2]]\) hybrid stabilizer code [18] (extendable to modular qudits [19]) is closely related to the \([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code.


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Zoo Code ID: iceberg

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\([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/iceberg
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\([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/iceberg

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