Here is a list of quantum codes that have been realized in devices and/or that have practical real-world relevance.
Name | Realization(s) |
Analog repetition code | Quantum teleportation [1], secret sharing [2], and superdense coding [3] protocols have been realized with analog GHZ states states for \(n=2,3\). |
Analog stabilizer code | One-sided device-independent QKD [4]. |
Analog-cluster-state code | Analog cluster states on a number of modes ranging from tens to millions [5–7] have been synthesized in photonic degrees of freedom. An \(12\times N\) mode cluster state, where \(N\) is the number of clock cycles of the experiment, has been realized in a photonic device by Xanadu [8].Required primitives for Gaussian gates have been realized [9]. |
BPSK c-q code | Linear-optical quantum receiver [10].Homodyne receiver [11].Kennedy receiver [11,12].Photon-number resolving detector [13].Communication over dephasing [14], time-varying phase-noise [15], and thermal-noise [16] channels.Adaptive decoder using displacements and photon detection [17].BPQM detector on a BPSK-modulated tree code [18]. |
Binomial code | Microwave cavities coupled to superconducting circuits: state transfer between a binomial codeword to another system [19], error-correction protocol nearly reaching break-even [20], a teleported CNOT gate [21], and fault-tolerant logical operations utilizing three-level ancillas [22]. A realization of the "0-2-4" encoding is the first to go beyond break-even error-correction and yields a logical lifetime that exceeds the cavity lifetime by \(16\%\) [23] (see also [24]). See Ref. [25] for another experiment. The 0-2-4 binomial code has been used to store entangled states [26].Motional degree of freedom of a trapped ion: binomial state preparation for \(S=2\) realized by Tan group [27]. |
Cat code | Parity-syndrome measurement tested [28] and implemented for the four-component (\(S=1\)) cat code [29] in a microwave cavity coupled to a superconducting circuit. The latter work [29] is the first to reach break-even error-correction, where the lifetime of a logical qubit is on par with the cavity lifetime, despite protection against dephasing not being implemented. A fault-tolerant version of parity measurement has also been realized [30]. |
Cat-repetition code | Superconducting circuit devices: a repetition code out of two-component cat qubits has been realized for distances 3 and 5 [31]. |
Cluster-state code | Polarizations of photons: quantum computation [32,33] and single-qubit error correction on an 8-qubit cluster state [34]. |
Coherent FSK (CFSK) c-q code | Time-resolving quantum receiver [35].Bondurant receiver [36].Bayesian inference [37]. |
Coherent-state c-q code | Continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) [38–40]. |
Dihedral \(G=D_m\) quantum-double code | Signatures of a phase equivalent to the \(G=D_4\) quantum double detected in a 27-qubit trapped-ion device by Quantinuum [41]. Preparation of ground states and braiding of anyons has also been performed. The phase was realized as a gauged \(G=\mathbb{Z}_3^2\) twisted quantum double [42], which is the same topological order as the \(G=D_4\) quantum double [43,44]. |
Dual-rail quantum code | The dual-rail code is ubiquitous in linear-optical quantum devices and is behind the KLM protocol, one of the first proposals for fault-tolerant computation. See reviews [45–47] for more details.Superconducting circuit devices: Gates have been demonstrated in the Schoelkopf group at Yale University [48]. Error detection has been demonstrated in 3D cavities in the Devoret group at Yale University [49] and Amazon Web Services [50] using transmon qubits, following earlier theoretical proposals [51,52]. Logical readout in 3D cavities has been demonstrated by Quantum Circuits Inc. [53].Photonic platforms: state preparation and measurement fidelity of \(99.98\%\) in the C telecom band by PsiQuantum [54]. |
Error-corrected sensing code | A single physical qubit entangled with an NV spin was used to measure an incoming signal in a way that bit-flip errors on the qubit were correctable [55]. |
Fibonacci string-net code | NMR: Implementation of braiding-based Hamamard gate on two qubits [56].Superconducting qubits: state preparation, fusion, and braiding [57,58]. The latter work utilized DSNP and sampled the string-net wavefunction to estimate the underlying chromatic polynomial. |
Floquet color code | Plaquette stabilizer measurement realized on the IBM Falcon superconducting-qubit device [59] |
GKP CV-cluster-state code | A distance-two repetition code using a GKP CV cluster state consisting of squeezed states and GKP states has been implemented in a photonic device by Xanadu [8]. |
Generalized Shor code | The \([[m^2,1,m]]\) codes for \(m\leq 7\) have been realized in trapped-ion quantum devices [60]. |
Group GKP code | Cryptographic applications stemming from the monogamy of entanglement of group GKP code and error words [4]. |
Heavy-hexagon code | Superconducting qubits: Logical state preparation and flag-qubit error correction realized in superconducting-circuit devices (specifically, fixed-frequency transmon qubit architectures) by IBM for \(d=2\) [61,62] and \(d=3\) [63]. Simultaneous syndrome extraction and logical Bell-state preparation for both the embedded surface and Bacon-Shor codes of distance \(\leq 4\) on an IBM 133-qubit device [64]. Embedded rotated surface code magic-state injection implemented on IBM fez device [65]. |
Hexagonal GKP code | Microwave cavity coupled to superconducting circuits: reduced form of GKP error correction, where displacement error syndromes are measured to one bit of precision using an ancillary transmon [66]. |
Honeycomb (6.6.6) color code | Superconducting qubits: transversal Clifford gates, randomized logical benchmarking, and magic-state injection demonstrated on distance-three and five triangular color codes on the Willow device by Google Quantum AI [67]. Logical state teleportation using lattice surgery performed between two distance-three color codes. |
Honeycomb Floquet code | Plaquette stabilizer measurement realized on the IBM Falcon superconducting-qubit device [59] |
Kitaev chain code | Photonic systems: braiding of defects has been simulated in a device that has a different notion of locality than a bona-fide fermionic system [68].Superconducting circuits: initialization [69], braiding [70] and detection [70,71] of defects has been simulated in devices that have a different notion of locality than a bona-fide fermionic system. |
Kitaev honeycomb code | Rydberg atomic arrays: realized on a 72 qubit device with 32 ancillas by the Lukin group, where a fermion-into-qubit mapping was used to recast this model in terms of simulated fermionic degrees of freedom and simulate other fermionic Hamiltonians [72].Superconducting qubits: driven version of the Kitaev honeycomb model [73] realized by the Pollmann group on the Sycamore and Willow devices by Google Quantum AI [74]. |
Kitaev surface code | Signatures of corresponding topological phase of matter detected in superconducting circuits [75] and two-dimensional Rydberg atomic arrays [76]. Measurement schedules associated with the 3CX surface code realized in superconducting qubits on the Willow device by Google Quantum AI [77]. |
Long-range enhanced surface code (LRESC) | Preparation of GHZ state of four logical qubits with beyond break-even fidelity in a \([[25,4,3]]\) LRESC [78]. |
Loop toric code | Trapped ions: single-shot QEC realized using the \([[33,1,4]]\) loop toric code on the Quantinuum H2 device [79]. |
Matching code | Braiding of defects has been demonstrated for a five-qubit version of code [80]. |
Modular-qudit cluster-state code | Quantum compututation with cluster states has been realized using photons in the time and frequency domains [81]. |
Modular-qudit surface code | State preparation, anyon creation, anyon fusion, and transfer of entanglement between anyons and defect in a 24 qubit trapped ion device by Quantinuum [82]. |
Monitored random-circuit code | Measurement induced quantum phases have been realized in a trapped-ion processor [83]. |
NTRU-GKP code | Public-key NTRU-based quantum communication protocol [84]. |
Niset-Andersen-Cerf code | Realized in Ref. [85] in an optical system with 3 beam-splitters. The fidelity peaked around \(0.6\) for deterministic approach, and around \(0.77\) for the probabilistic approach (with a 25% chance of error). |
Number-phase code | Motional degree of freedom of a trapped ion: state initialization [86]. |
On-off keyed (OOK) c-q code | Proof-of-principle experiments using Dolinar [87] and TES receivers [88]. |
PPM c-q code | Conditional pulse nulling (CPN) receiver [89]. |
PSK c-q code | Unambiguous state discrimination using displacement-based receiver for 4-PSK [90].Multi-stage quantum receivers [91–94].Bayesian inference [95].Time resolving quantum receiver opertaing in the telecom C band [96].Displacements and photon detection [97].Adaptive decoder using linear-optical elements and photon detection [17]. |
Pair-cat code | Microwave cavities coupled to superconducting circuits by the Wang group [98]. |
Quantum Tanner code | Used to obtain explicit lower bounds in the sum-of-squares game [99].States that, on average, achieve small violations of check operators for quantum Tanner codes require a circuit of non-constant depth to make. They are used in the proof [100] of the NLTS conjecture [101]. |
Quantum divisible code | Triply even codes can yield secure multi-party quantum computation [102]. |
Quantum parity code (QPC) | The \([[m^2,1,m]]\) codes for \(m\leq 7\) have been realized in trapped-ion quantum devices [60].QPCs have been discussed independently in the context of superconducting circuits [103; Eq. (1)][104; Eqs. (8-10)], and aspects of such designs have been realized in experiments [105]. |
Quantum repetition code | NMR: 2-qubit phase-flip code [106,107]; 3-qubit bit-flip code [108]; 3-qubit phase-flip code [109,110], with up to two rounds of error correction in liquid-state NMR [111]. Such codes were used to characterize noise [112].Linear optics: 2-qubit phase-flip code [113].Trapped ions: 3-qubit bit-flip code by Wineland group [114], and 3-qubit phase-flip algorithm implemented in 3 cycles on high fidelity gate operations [115]. Both phase- and bit-flip codes for 31 qubits and their stabilizer measurements have been realized by Quantinuum [116]. Multiple rounds of Steane error correction [117].Superconducting circuits: 3-qubit phase-flip and bit-flip code by Schoelkopf group [118,119]; 3-qubit bit-flip code [120]; 3-qubit phase-flip code up to 3 cycles of error correction [121]; IBM 15-qubit device [122]; IBM Rochester device using 43-qubit code [123]; Google system performing up to 8 error-correction cycles on 5 and 9 qubits [124]; Google Quantum AI Sycamore utilizing up to 11 physical qubits and running 50 correction rounds [125]; Google Quantum AI Sycamore utilizing up to 25 qubits for comparison of logical error scaling with a quantum code [126] (see also [127]). Google Quantum AI follow-up experiment on codes up to (classical) distance 29, demonstrating exponential suppression to an error floor of \(10^{-10}\) [128]. Ising-model Nishimori phase transition realized for GHZ states on 54 qubits on a 127 qubit IBM device [129]. GHZ state on 75 qubits made on an IBM device [130]. Implementation of planar decoder for codes with distances between 3 and 11 on 72-qubit superconducting device [131]. Lattice surgery on the surface-17 code has been realized by splitting the code into two repetition codes by the Wallraff group [132]. Continuous-time QEC protocols have been implemented on a 3-qubit superconducting qubit device [133].Semiconductor spin-qubit devices: 3-qubit devices at RIKEN [134] and Delft [135].Nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond: 3-qubit phase-flip code [136,137] (see also Ref. [138]).Repetition codes are used in quantum annealing protocols [139–141]. |
Qubit CSS code | Fully homomorphic encryption [142].Cryptographic applications stemming from the monogamy of entanglement of CSS code and error words [143]. |
Qubit c-q code | Quantum enhancement was demonstrated using a polarization-based non-error-correcting c-q encodings [144]. |
Smolin-Smith-Wehner (SSW) code | The \(((5,5,2))\) SSW code has been realized in an NMR device [145]. |
Square-lattice GKP code | Motional degree of freedom of a trapped ion: square-lattice GKP encoding realized with the help of post-selection by Home group [146,147], followed by realization of reduced form of GKP error correction, where displacement error syndromes are measured to one bit of precision using an ion electronic state [148]. State preparation also realized by Tan group [27]. Universal gate set, including a two-qubit entangling gate, realized by Tan group [149]. State initialization and application to measuring displacements [86].Microwave cavity coupled to superconducting circuits: reduced form of square-lattice GKP error correction, where displacement error syndromes are measured to one bit of precision using an ancillary transmon [66]. Subsequent paper by Devoret group [24] uses reinforcement learning for error-correction cycle design and is the first to go beyond break-even error-correction, with the lifetime of a logical qubit exceeding the cavity lifetime by about a factor of two (see also [23]). See Ref. [25] for another experiment. A feed-forward-free, i.e., fully autonomous protocol has also been implemented by Nord Quantique [150]. Qudit encodings with \(q=3,4\) have been realized, with logical error rates also beyond break even [151].GKP states and homodyne measurements have been realized in propagating telecom light by the Furusawa group [152].Single-qubit \(Z\)-gate has been demonstrated [153] in the single-photon subspace of an infinite-mode space [154], in which time and frequency become bosonic conjugate variables of a single effective bosonic mode. In this context, GKP position-state wavefunctions are called Dirac combs or frequency combs. |
Square-octagon (4.8.8) color code | Rydberg atomic devices: logical magic-state distillation using distance-three and five 4.8.8 color codes, observing an improvement in logical fidelity on a device by Quera [155]. |
Squeezed cat code | Squeezed cat code has been realized in a superconducting circuit device by the Gao group [156]. |
Subsystem QECC | A two-qubit unitarily correctable subsystem code recovery has been realized in an optical system [157]. |
Toric code | One cycle of syndrome readout on 19-qubit planar and 24-qubit toric codes realized in two-dimensional Rydberg atomic arrays [158]. |
Twist-defect surface code | Ground state of the toric code has been implemented with and without twists, and the non-Abelian braiding behavior of the twists, which realize Ising anyons, has been demonstrated [159]. Logical Clifford gates for \([[8,2,2]]\) and \([[10,2,3]]\) twist-defect surface codes realized in a trapped ion device by Quantinuum [160]. |
Two-component cat code | Lindbladian-based [161,162] and Hamiltonian-based 'Kerr-cat' [163] encodings have been achieved in superconducting circuit devices by the Devoret group; Ref. [162] also demonstrated a displacement-based gate. The Lindbladian-based scheme has further achieved a suppression of bit-flip errors that is exponential in the average photon number up to a bit-flip time of 1ms [164]. A bit-flip time of up to 10s has been achieved for the two-legged cat code in the classical-bit regime [165–167]. A holonomic gate has been repurposed as a logical measurement [168]. The 'Kerr-cat' encoding and a \(\pi/2\) gate have been realized with the help of a band-block filter, yielding a bit-flip lifetime of 1 ms in the 10-photon regime [169] (see also Ref. [170]). Lindblad-based encoding achieved in a 2D cavity by AWS [171].T4C code realized in a superconducting circuit device by the Wang group [172].Squeezed cat code has been realized in superconducting circuit device by the Gao group [156]. |
Very small logical qubit (VSLQ) code | Star-code autonomous correction scheme realized using superconducting circuits [173]. |
XZZX surface code | Superconducting circuits: Distance-five 25-qubit code implemented on a superconducting quantum processor by Google Quantum AI [126]. This code outperformed the average of several instances of the smaller distance-three nine-qubit \(XZZX\) variant of the surface-17 code realized on the same device, both in terms of logical error probability over 25 cycles and in terms of logical error per cycle. This increase in error-correcting capabilities while using more physical qubits supports the notion of an error threshold. Braiding of defects has been demonstrated for the distance-five code [174]. Leakage errors have been handled in a separate work in a distance-three code [127]. Google Quantum AI follow-up experiment realizing distance-5 and distance-7 codes with 100 rounds of correction using the Libra and transformer-based decoders. The logical error rate is suppressed by a factor of \(\approx 2\), demonstrating beyond-break-even error correction with a block quantum code [128]. Rydberg atom arrays: Lukin group [175]. Transversal CNOT gates performed on distance \(3\), \(5\), and \(7\) codes. |
Zero-pi qubit code | A related superconducting circuit has been realized by the Houck group [176]. |
\([[10,1,2]]\) CSS code | Trapped-ion devices: fault-tolerant universal gate set via code switching between the Steane code and the \([[10,1,2]]\) code on a device from the Monz group [177]. |
\([[12,2,4]]\) carbon code | Trapped-ion devices: Three rounds of error correction and post-selected fault-tolerant logical Bell-state preparation with logical error rates at least 5 times lower than physical rate on a quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) [116] by Microsoft and Quantinuum [178]. |
\([[16,6,4]]\) Tesseract color code | Trapped-ion devices: logical graph and GHZ states of up to 12 logical qubits constructed using three copies of the \([[16,4,2,4]]\) tesseract subsystem code, along with five rounds of post-selected fault-tolerant error correction in a device by Quantinuum [179]. |
\([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code | Trapped-ion devices: the \(m=5\) code has been realized on a 12-qubit device by Quantinuum [180]. |
\([[4,2,2]]\) Four-qubit code | See also [181; Tab. I] for more details on each experimental realization.\([[4,1,2]]\) subcodes implemented in linear optical networks [182,183].Trapped-ion device by IonQ [184].Logical state preparation and flag-qubit error correction realized in superconducting-circuit devices by IBM [61,62,185,186].The subcode \(\{|\overline{00}\rangle,|\overline{10}\rangle\}\) [187] and \(\{|\overline{00}\rangle,|\overline{01}\rangle\}\) [125], treated as a planar surface code, has been realized in superconducting-circuit devices.Logical gates between two copies of the subcode \(\{|\overline{10}\rangle,|\overline{11}\rangle\}\), interpreted as lattice surgery between planar surface codes, realized in superconducting circuits [188].Logical gates for the \(\{|\overline{00}\rangle,|\overline{11}\rangle\}\) subcode, treated as a planar code, realized in superconducting circuits [189].The CZ magic state has been realized on an IBM heavy-hex superconducting circuit device [190].Logical Clifford gates for a twist-defect surface code that is single-qubit Clifford equivalent to a \([[4,1,2]]\) realized in a trapped ion device by Quantinuum [160].CPC gadgets for the \([[4,2,2]]\) code have been implemented on the IBM 5Q superconducting device [191].An FPGA implementation of the collision clustering decoder [192] realized on a Rigetti superconducting device [193].Rydberg atomic devices: error detection, erasure correction, and post-selected fault-tolerant circuits demonstrated on 24 logical qubits on a 256-qubit device by Atom Computing, with each qubit encoded in the \([[4,2,2]]\) code [194]. The device also ran the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm on up to 28 logical qubits encoded in a \([[4,1,2]]\) subcode [194]. Post-selected fault-tolerant realization of a benchmarking protocol [195], preparation of the ground state of the single-impurity Anderson impurity model, and post-selected fault-tolerant logical Bell-state preparation demonstrated on one copy of the \([[4,2,2]]\) code on a device by Infleqtion [181]. |
\([[6,4,2]]\) error-detecting code | Trapped-ion devices: Bayesian quantum phase estimation on a device by Quantinuum [196]. |
\([[7,1,3]]\) Steane code | Trapped-ion devices: seven-qubit device in Blatt group [197]. Ten-qubit QCCD device by Quantinuum [198] realizing repeated syndrome extraction, real-time look-up-table decoding (yielding lower logical SPAM error rate than physical SPAM), and non-fault-tolerant magic-state distillation (see APS Physics Synopsis [199]). Fault-tolerant universal two-qubit gate set using T injection by Monz group [200]. Logical CNOT gate and Bell-pair creation between two logical qubits (yielding a logical fidelity higher than physical), including rounds of correction and fault-tolerant primitives such as flag qubits and pieceable fault tolerance, on a 20-qubit device by Quantinuum [201]; logical fidelity interval of the combined preparation-CNOT-measurement procedure was higher than that of the unencoded physical qubits. Multiple rounds of Steane error correction [117]. Fault-tolerant universal gate set via code switching between the Steane code and the \([[10,1,2]]\) code [177]. Post-selected fault-tolerant logical Bell-state preparation with logical error rates at least 10 times lower than physical rate on a device by Quantinuum [178]. The quantum Fourier transform on three code blocks [202]. Fault-tolerant transversal and lattice-surgery state teleportation protocols as well as Knill error correction [203]. Rains shadow enumerators have been measured [204].Rydberg atom arrays: Lukin group [158]; ten logical qubits, transversal CNOT gate performed, logical ten-qubit GHZ state initialized with break-even fidelity, and fault-tolerant logical two-qubit GHZ state initialized [175]. |
\([[8,3,2]]\) Smallest interesting color code | Trapped ions: one-qubit addition algorithm implemented fault-tolerantly on the Quantinuum H1-1 device [205].Superconducting circuits: fault-tolerant \(CZZ\) gate performed on IBM and IonQ devices [206].Rydberg atom arrays: Lukin group [175]. 48 logical qubits, 228 logical two-qubit gates, 48 logical CCZ gates, and error detection peformed in 16 blocks. Circuit outcomes were sampled and cross-entropy (XEB) was calculated to verify quantumness. Logical entanglement entropy was measured [175]. |
\([[9,1,3]]\) Shor code | Trapped-ion qubits: state preparation with 98.8(1)% and 98.5(1)% fidelity for state \(|\overline{0}\rangle\) and \(|\overline{1}\rangle\), respectively, by N. Linke group [60]. Variants of the code to handle coherent noise studied and realized by K. Brown and C. Monroe groups [207].Optical systems: quantum teleportation of information implemented by J.-W. Pan group on maximally entangled pair of one physical and one logical qubit with fidelity rate of up to 78.6% [208]. All-photonic quantum repeater architecture tested on the same code [209]. |
\([[9,1,3]]\) Surface-17 code | Implemented at ETH Zurich by the Wallraff group [210] and on the Zuchongzhi 2.1 superconducting quantum processor [211]. Both experimental error rates are above the pseudo-threshold for this code relative to a single qubit; see Physics viewpoint for a summary [212]. Magic state have been created on the latter processor [213]. Lattice surgery on the surface-17 code has been realized by splitting the code into two repetition codes by the Wallraff group [132]. |
\([[9,1,3]]_{\mathbb{R}}\) Lloyd-Slotine code | Optical network by the Furusawa group [214]. |
\([[9,1,4,3]]\) Nine-qubit Bacon-Shor code | Trapped-ion qubits: state preparation, logical measurement, and syndrome extraction (deferred to the end) demonstrated on a 13-qubit device by M. Cetina and C. Monroe groups [215].Rydberg atomic devices: repeated error correction demonstrated on a device by Atom Computing [194]. |
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