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Group GKP code[1]


Group-based quantum code whose construction is based on nested subgroups \(H\subset K \subset G\). Logical subspace is spanned by basis states that are equal superpositions of elements of cosets of \(H\) in \(K\), and can be finite- or infinite-dimensional.

The group GKP code was originally formulated as an extension of the GKP code construction to other group-valued spaces. In other words, the only requirement to construct group GKP codes is that the configuration space \(G\) is a group under some operation. The construction encompasses a wide variety of codes, tabulated in Table I.




Related code

\(n\) qubits



qubit CSS

\(n\) modular qudits



modular-qudit CSS

\(n\) Galois qudits



Galois-qudit CSS

\(n\) modes

\( \mathbb{R}^n \)

\( \mathbb{R}^m \)

analog CSS

\(n\) modes

\( \mathbb{R}^n \)

\( \mathbb{Z}^n \)

multimode GKP

\(n\) modes

\( \mathbb{R}^n \)

\( \mathbb{Z}^{m<n} \)

oscillator-into-oscillator GKP

planar rotor



rotor GKP

rigid body


point group


Table I: Special cases of group GKP codes.


Protects against generalized bit-flip errors \(g\in G\) that are inside the fundamental domain of \(G/K\). Protection against phase-flip errors determined by branching rules of irreps of \(G\) into those of \(K\), and further into those of \(H\).

Transversal Gates

Group-GKP codes corresponding to the \(G^{k_1} \subseteq G^{ k_2} \subset G^{n}\) group construction admit \(X\)-type transversal Pauli gates representing \(G\) [2].


Cryptographic applications stemming from the monogamy of entanglement of group GKP code and error words [3].


Primary Hierarchy

Group GKP code
Group-based cluster states are stabilized by group-based error operators [5,6].
Rotor GKP codes correspond to the \(\mathbb{Z}_{k_1} \subseteq \mathbb{Z}_{k_2} \subset U(1)\) group construction, where \(k=k_2/k_1\).
Quantum-double Hamiltonians can be expressed in terms of \(X\)- and \(Z\)-type operators of group-GKP codes; see [4; Sec. 3.3].
The group-GKP construction encompasses all bosonic CSS codes. A single-mode qubit GKP CSS code corresponds to the \(2\mathbb{Z}\subset\mathbb{Z}\subset\mathbb{R}\) group construction, and multimode GKP CSS codes can be similarly described. Oscillator-into-oscillator GKP CSS codes for \(n\) modes correspond to subgroups \(\mathbb{Z}^m\) for \(m<n\). An \([[n,k,d]]_{\mathbb{R}}\) analog CSS code corresponds to the \(\mathbb{R}^{ k_1} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{ k_2} \subset \mathbb{R}^{n}\) group construction, where \(k=k_2-k_1\).
An \(n\) modular-qubit CSS code corresponds to the \(\mathbb{Z}_q^{k_1} \subseteq \mathbb{Z}_q^{k_2} \subset \mathbb{Z}_q^{n}\) group construction, where \(k=k_2/k_1\), and where the group operation is addition. This construction should be extendable to additive \(q\)-ary codes over \(\mathbb{Z}_q\) since those are also groups under addition.
An \(n\) Galois-qubit CSS code corresponds to the \(GF(q)^{k_1} \subseteq GF(q)^{k_2} \subset GF(q)^{n}\) group construction, where \(k=k_2/k_1\), and where the group operation is addition. This construction should be extendable to additive \(q\)-ary codes since those are also groups under addition.


V. V. Albert, J. P. Covey, and J. Preskill, “Robust Encoding of a Qubit in a Molecule”, Physical Review X 10, (2020) arXiv:1911.00099 DOI
P. Faist, S. Nezami, V. V. Albert, G. Salton, F. Pastawski, P. Hayden, and J. Preskill, “Continuous Symmetries and Approximate Quantum Error Correction”, Physical Review X 10, (2020) arXiv:1902.07714 DOI
E. Culf, T. Vidick, and V. V. Albert, “Group coset monogamy games and an application to device-independent continuous-variable QKD”, (2022) arXiv:2212.03935
V. V. Albert, D. Aasen, W. Xu, W. Ji, J. Alicea, and J. Preskill, “Spin chains, defects, and quantum wires for the quantum-double edge”, (2021) arXiv:2111.12096
C. G. Brell, “Generalized cluster states based on finite groups”, New Journal of Physics 17, 023029 (2015) arXiv:1408.6237 DOI
C. Fechisin, N. Tantivasadakarn, and V. V. Albert, “Non-invertible symmetry-protected topological order in a group-based cluster state”, (2024) arXiv:2312.09272
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Zoo Code ID: group_gkp

Cite as:
“Group GKP code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/group_gkp
@incollection{eczoo_group_gkp, title={Group GKP code}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2023}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/group_gkp} }
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“Group GKP code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/group_gkp

Github: https://github.com/errorcorrectionzoo/eczoo_data/edit/main/codes/quantum/groups/group_gkp/group_gkp.yml.