Encodes a logical Hilbert space, finite- or infinite-dimensional, into a physical Hilbert space of \(L^2\)-normalizable functions on a second-countable unimodular group \(G\), i.e., a \(G\)-valued qudit or \(G\)-qudit. In other words, a group-valued qudit is a vector space whose canonical basis states \(|g\rangle\) are labeled by elements \(g\) of a group \(G\). For \(K\)-dimensional logical subspace and for block codes defined on groups \(G^{n}\), can be denoted as \(((n,K))_G\). When the logical subspace is the Hilbert space of \(L^2\)-normalizable functions on \(G^{ k}\), can be denoted as \([[n,k]]_G\). Ideal codewords may not be normalizable, depending on whether \(G\) is continuous and/or noncompact, so approximate versions have to be constructed in practice.Protection
Group-based error basis
A convenient error set is the group-based analogue of the Pauli string set for qubit codes. For a single group-valued qudit, this set consists of products of \(X\)-type operators labeled by group elements \(g\), and \(Z\)-type operators labeled by matrix elements of \(G\)-irreps \(\lambda\) [1–3]. The outline below is for finite groups, but can be extended to compact unimodular groups or to oscillators and rotors by substituting the sum over the group with a group integral.
Group-based error basis: There are two types of \(X\)-type operators, corresponding to left and right group multiplication. These act on computational basis states \(|h\rangle\) as \begin{align} \overrightarrow{X}_{g}|h\rangle&=|gh\rangle\tag*{(1)}\\ \overleftarrow{X}_{g}|h\rangle&=|hg^{-1}\rangle \tag*{(2)}\end{align} for any group elements \(h,g\). The \(Z\)-type operators can be thought of as matrix-product operators (MPOs) [4] whose virtual dimension is the dimension \(d_{\lambda}\) of their corresponding irrep. The are diagonal in the group-valued basis, yielding the \(d_{\lambda}\)-dimensional irrep matrix \(Z_{\lambda}(g)\) evaluated at the given group element, \begin{align} \hat{Z}_{\lambda}\otimes|g\rangle=Z_{\lambda}(g)\otimes|g\rangle~. \tag*{(3)}\end{align} Each matrix element of this irrep matrix is a generally non-unitary operator on the group-valued qudit. For one-dimensional irreps, the matrix reduces to a single unitary \(Z\)-type operator, and the direct-product symbol is no longer needed.
Products of either left- or right-multiplication \(X\)-type operators with all \(Z\)-type operators form a basis for linear operators on the group-valued qudit space that is complete and orthonormal under the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product [2; Eq. (123)]. In particular, \begin{align} \text{tr}(\overrightarrow{X}_{g}^{\dagger}\overrightarrow{X}_{h})=\delta_{g,h}^{G}~, \tag*{(4)}\end{align} where the group Kronecker delta function \(\delta^{G}_{g,h}=1\) if \(g=h\) and zero otherwise.
Quantum weight enumerators, linear programming bounds, and Rains shadow enumerators have been extended to quantum codes defined on multiplicity-free two-point homogeneous spaces [5].
Group-based \(Z\)-type operators correspond to group-valued fields in the continuum limit [3].Cousins
- Category-based quantum code— Category quantum codes whose physical spaces are constructed using a finite group as the category are group codes.
- Group-alphabet code
Member of code lists
Primary Hierarchy
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- Victor V. Albert (2021-12-03) — most recent
Cite as:
“Group-based quantum code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2021.