A CSS code formed from a classical Reed-Muller (RM) code or its punctured/shortened versions. Such codes often admit transversal logical gates in the Clifford hierarchy.
Ordinary, punctured, or shortened RM codes can be used to construct quantum Reed-Muller codes. For example, the original construction [1] uses a general RM\((r,m)\) code for the \(X\)-type stabilizers, and an RM\((r-1,m)\) code for the \(Z\)-type stabilizers.
Non-CSS codes can be derived from such codes by modifying the \(X\)-type stabilizers [1].
Detects errors on \(d-1\) qubits, corrects errors on \(\left\lfloor (d-1)/2 \right\rfloor\) qubits.Rate
\(\frac{k}{n}\), where \(k = 2^r - {r \choose t} + 2 \sum_{i=0}^{t-1} {r \choose i}\). Additionally, CSS codes formed from binary Reed-Muller codes achieve channel capacity on erasure channels [3].Magic
The family constructed out of shortened RM codes with parameters \([[\sum_{i=w+1}^m \binom{m}{i}, \sum_{i=0}^{w} \binom{m}{i}, \sum_{i=w+1}^{r+1} \binom{r+1}{i}]]\) for integers \(m > 2r\) and \(r > w \geq 0\) yields protocols with an exponent of \(\gamma < 0.678\), with the fewest resource protocol with \(\gamma < 1\) requiring a code with parameters \(\{r,w,m\} = \{19,14,3r+1\}\) such that \(n \approx 2^{58}\) qubits [4; Corr. 1]. This refutes a conjecture that no protocol could achieve \(\gamma < 1\) [5].Transversal Gates
Stabilizer generators are Pauli strings can be defined as acting on subsets of qubits corresponding to subcubes of the Hamming \(n\)-cube (a.k.a. Boolean hypercube) [6]. Transversal \(Z\)-rotations by angles \(\pi/2^k\) acting on subcubes can implement logical multi-controlled-\(Z\) gates [6].The \([[2^m,{m \choose r}, 2^{\min(r,m-r)}]]\) family, where \(r\) divides \(m\), admits diagonal gates in the form of \(Z\)-rotations by angle \(\pi/2^{m/r}\) [8–10][7; Exam. 8 and Thm. 19]. Of these, the sub-family for \(m=2r\) admits logical Clifford group gates via permutations, transversal gates, and fold-transversal gates [11].The family constructed out of shortened RM codes with parameters \([[\sum_{i=w+1}^m \binom{m}{i}, \sum_{i=0}^{w} \binom{m}{i}, \sum_{i=w+1}^{r+1} \binom{r+1}{i}]]\) for integers \(m > 2r\) and \(r > w \geq 0\) admits a transversal gate at the \(\nu\)th level in the hierarchy whenever \(m > \nu r\) [4; Thm. 1].Fault Tolerance
Gate switching protocol for universal computation [12].Fault-tolerant universal computation can be achieved via code switching between the \([[127,1,15]]\) self-dual doubly even punctured quantum RM code and the \([[127,1,7]]\) triply even punctured quantum RM code [11].Cousins
- Reed-Muller (RM) code
- Quantum convolutional code— Quantum convolutional codes can be derived from quantum Reed-Muller codes [13].
- EA qubit stabilizer code— EA versions of quantum RM codes and their quantum tensor-product variants can be constructed [14].
- Quantum tensor-product code— EA versions of quantum RM codes and their quantum tensor-product variants can be constructed [14].
- Quantum divisible code— Fault-tolerant universal computation can be achieved via code switching between the \([[127,1,15]]\) self-dual doubly even punctured quantum RM code and the \([[127,1,7]]\) triply even punctured quantum RM code [11].
- Asymmetric quantum code— Asymmetric quantum RM codes have been constructed [15; Lemma 4.1].
- Covariant block quantum code— Quantum RM codes are approximately covariant and nearly saturate certain covariance-performance bounds [16].
- CSS-T code— Certain quantum RM codes are CSS-T codes [17–19].
- Triorthogonal code— Classification of triorthogonal codes yields a connection to Reed-Muller polynomials [20].
- Generalized homological-product qubit CSS code— Iterative tensor-product codes can be constructed out of quantum Reed-Muller codes [21].
Member of code lists
- Asymmetric quantum codes
- Hamiltonian-based codes
- Quantum codes
- Quantum codes based on homological products
- Quantum codes with a rate
- Quantum codes with fault-tolerant gadgets
- Quantum codes with magic-state yield parameters
- Quantum codes with transversal gates
- Quantum CSS codes
- Quantum LDPC codes
- Quantum Reed-Muller codes and friends
- Stabilizer codes
Primary Hierarchy
Generalized homological-product qubit CSS codeGeneralized homological-product QLDPC CSS Stabilizer Hamiltonian-based QECC Quantum
Quantum Reed-Muller codes are special cases of quantum pin codes [22; Sec. II.D]
Prime-qudit RM codes reduce to quantum RM codes when \(q=p=2\).
Quantum Reed-Muller code
\([[2^D,D,2]]\) hypercube quantum codes are special cases of the \([[2^m,{m \choose r}, 2^r]]\) quantum Reed-Muller codes for \(m=D\) and \(r=1\) [8–10][7; Exam. 8].
\([[2^r-1,1,3]]\) simplex codes are special cases of the \([[\sum_{i=w+1}^m \binom{m}{i}, \sum_{i=0}^{w} \binom{m}{i}, \sum_{i=w+1}^{r+1} \binom{r+1}{i}]]\) quantum RM codes for \(w=r=0\) and \(m=r-1\) [4; Thm. 1].
\([[2^r-1, 2^r-2r-1, 3]]\) quantum Hamming codes are quantum Reed-Muller codes because Hamming and simplex codes are both punctured RM codes.
The \([[2^{2r-1}-1,1,2^r-1]]\) quantum punctured Reed-Muller codes are special cases of the \([[\sum_{i=w+1}^m \binom{m}{i}, \sum_{i=0}^{w} \binom{m}{i}, \sum_{i=w+1}^{r+1} \binom{r+1}{i}]]\) family for \(m \to 2r-1\), \(w \to 0\), and \(r \to r-1\).
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Page edit log
- Victor V. Albert (2024-03-14) — most recent
- Benjamin Quiring (2021-12-16)
- Victor V. Albert (2021-12-03)
Cite as:
“Quantum Reed-Muller code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024.