\([[2^D,D,2]]\) hypercube quantum code[1,2][3; Exam. 3]
Also known as Hyperoctahedron code, Hyperoctahedron color code.
Member of a family of codes defined by placing qubits on a \(D\)-dimensional hypercube, \(Z\)-stabilizers on all two-dimensional faces, and an \(X\)-stabilizer on all vertices. These codes realize gates at the \((D-1)\)-st level of the Clifford hierarchy. It can be generalized to a \([[4^D,D,4]]\) error-correcting family [4]. Various other concatenations give families with increasing distance (see cousins).
The code detects a single general error but has an \(X\)-distance \(d_X = 4\).
Transversal Gates
CZ, CCZ, and generalized \(CZ\) gates at the \((D-1)\)-st level of the Clifford hierarchy [2][5; Exam. 6.10]. CNOT and SWAP gates can be realized by qubit permutations [4].
Degree-\(D\) instantaneous quantum polynomial (IQP) circuits [6] can be realized on hypercube quantum codes in a hardware-efficient way [4].
- Ball color code — \([[2^D,D,2]]\) hypercube quantum codes can be thought of as small color codes defined on balls constructed from hyperoctahedra [3; Exam. 3], or on lattices with no bulk qubits and cubic boundaries [1,2].
- Quantum Reed-Muller code — \([[2^D,D,2]]\) hypercube quantum codes are special cases of the \([[2^m,{m \choose r}, 2^r]]\) quantum Reed-Muller codes for \(m=D\) and \(r=1\) [8–10][7; Exam. 8].
- XP stabilizer code — The \(D\)th hypercube quantum code can be viewed as an XP stabilizer code with precision \(N = 2^D\) [5; Exam. 6.10].
- Self-complementary quantum code — A basis of hypercube quantum codewords of the form \(|c\rangle+|\overline{c}\rangle\) can be obtained via the qubit CSS codeword construction since their sole \(X\)-type stabilizer generator acts on all qubits.
- \([[4,2,2]]\) Four-qubit code — The \([[4,2,2]]\) code is a hypercube code for \(D=2\).
- \([[8,3,2]]\) CSS code — The \([[8,3,2]]\) code is a hypercube code for \(D=3\).
- Hypercube code — \([[2^D,D,2]]\) hypercube quantum code qubits are placed on vertices of a \(D\)-cube.
- Quantum repetition code — The hypercube quantum code can be concatenated with a two-qubit quantum repetition code to yield a \([[2^{D+1},D,4]]\) error-detecting code family [4].
- Homological code — The hypercube quantum code can be concatenated with a distance-two \(D\)-dimensional surface code to yield a \([[2^D(2^D+1),D,4]]\) error-correcting code family that admits a transversal implementation of the logical \(C^{D-1}Z\) gate [4].
- Concatenated qubit code — The hypercube quantum code can be concatenated with a two-qubit quantum repetition code to yield a \([[2^{D+1},D,4]]\) error-detecting code family [4]. It can also be concatenated with a distance-two \(D\)-dimensional surface code to yield a \([[2^D(2^D+1),D,4]]\) error-correcting code family that admits a transversal implementation of the logical \(C^{D-1}Z\) gate [4].
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- Victor V. Albert (2023-11-28) — most recent
Cite as:
“\([[2^D,D,2]]\) hypercube quantum code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/hypercube_quantum