Here is a list of codes related to and generalizing the color code.
Code | Description |
2D color code | Color code defined on a two-dimensional planar graph. Each face hosts two stabilizer generators, a Pauli-\(X\) and a Pauli-\(Z\) string acting on all the qubits of the face. |
3D color code | Color code defined on a four-valent four-colorable tiling of 3D space. Logical dimension is determined by the genus of the underlying surface (for closed surfaces) and types of boundaries (for open surfaces). |
Ball color code | A color code defined on a \(D\)-dimensional colex. This family includes hypercube color codes (color codes defined on balls constructed from hyperoctahedra) and 3D ball color codes (color codes defined on duals of certain Archimedean solids). |
Color code | Member of a family of qubit CSS codes defined on particular \(D\)-dimensional graphs. |
Cubic honeycomb color code | 3D color code defined on a four-colorable bitruncated cubic honeycomb uniform tiling. |
Honeycomb (6.6.6) color code | 2D color code defined on a patch of the 6.6.6 (honeycomb) tiling. |
Hyperbolic color code | An extension of the color code construction to hyperbolic manifolds. As opposed to there being only three types of uniform three-valent and three-colorable lattice tilings in the 2D Euclidean plane, there is an infinite number of admissible hyperbolic tilings in the 2D hyperbolic plane [1]. Certain double covers of hyperbolic tilings also yield admissible tilings [2]. Other admissible hyperbolic tilings can be obtained via a fattening procedure [3]; see also a construction based on the more general quantum pin codes [4]. |
Quasi-hyperbolic color code | An extension of the color code construction to quasi-hyperbolic manifolds, e.g., a product of a 2D hyperbolic surface and a circle. |
Square-octagon (4.8.8) color code | 2D color code defined on a patch of the 4.8.8 (square-octagon) tiling, which itself is obtained by applying a fattening procedure to the square lattice [3]. |
Stellated color code | A non-CSS color code on a lattice patch with a single twist defect at the center of the patch. |
Tetrahedral color code | 3D color code defined on select tetrahedra of a 3D tiling. Qubits are placed on the vertices, edges, triangles, and in the center of each tetrahedron. The code has both string-like and sheet-like logical operators [5]. |
Truncated trihexagonal (4.6.12) color code | 2D color code defined on a patch of the 4.6.12 (truncated trihexagonal or square-hexagon-dodecagon) tiling. |
Twist-defect color code | A non-CSS extension of the 2D color code whose non-CSS stabilizer generators are associated with twist defects of the associated lattice. |
Union-Jack color code | 2D color code defined on a patch of the Tetrakis square tiling (a.k.a. the Union Jack lattice). |
XYZ color code | Non-CSS variant of the 6.6.6 color code whose generators are \(XZXZXZ\) and \(ZYZYZY\) Pauli strings associated to each hexagonal in the hexagonal (6.6.6) tiling. A further variation called the domain wall color code admits generators of the form \(XXXZZZ\) and \(ZZZXXX\) [6]. |
\([[15,1,3]]\) quantum Reed-Muller code | \([[15,1,3]]\) CSS code that is most easily thought of as a tetrahedral 3D color code. |
\([[16,6,4]]\) Tesseract color code | A (self-dual CSS) 4D color code defined on a tesseract, with stabilizer generators of both types supported on each cube. A \([[16,4,2,4]]\) tesseract subsystem code can be obtained from this code by using two logical qubits as gauge qubits [7]. |
\([[17,1,5]]\) 4.8.8 color code | Seventeen-qubit doubly even 2D color code that admits a transversal implementation of the logical Clifford group. |
\([[2^D,D,2]]\) hypercube quantum code | Member of a family of codes defined by placing qubits on a \(D\)-dimensional hypercube, \(Z\)-stabilizers on all two-dimensional faces, and an \(X\)-stabilizer on all vertices. These codes realize gates at the \((D-1)\)-st level of the Clifford hierarchy. It can be generalized to a \([[4^D,D,4]]\) error-correcting family [8]. Various other concatenations give families with increasing distance (see cousins). |
\([[2^r-1,1,3]]\) simplex code | Member of color-code code family constructed with a punctured first-order RM\((1,m=r)\) \([2^r-1,r+1,2^{r-1}-1]\) code and its even subcode for \(r \geq 3\). Each code transversally implements a diagonal gate at the \((r-1)\)st level of the Clifford hierarchy [9,10]. Each code is a color code defined on a simplex in \(r-1\) dimensions [11,12], where qubits are placed on the vertices, edges, and faces as well as on the simplex itself. |
\([[2m,2m-2,2]]\) error-detecting code | Self-complementary CSS code for \(m\geq 2\) with generators \(\{XX\cdots X, ZZ\cdots Z\} \) acting on all \(2m\) physical qubits. The code is constructed via the CSS construction from an SPC code and a repetition code [13; Sec. III]. This is the highest-rate distance-two code when an even number of qubits is used [14]. |
\([[4,2,2]]\) Four-qubit code | Four-qubit CSS stabilizer code is the smallest qubit stabilizer code to detect a single-qubit error. |
\([[6,4,2]]\) error-detecting code | Error-detecting six-qubit code with rate \(2/3\) whose codewords are cat/GHZ states. A set of stabilizer generators is \(XXXXXX\) and \(ZZZZZZ\). It is the unique code for its parameters, up to equivalence [14; Tab. III]. Concatenations of this code with itself yield the \([[6^r,4^r,2^r]]\) level-\(r\) many-hypercube code [15]. |
\([[7,1,3]]\) Steane code | A \([[7,1,3]]\) self-dual CSS code that is the smallest qubit CSS code to correct a single-qubit error [16]. The code is constructed using the classical binary \([7,4,3]\) Hamming code for protecting against both \(X\) and \(Z\) errors. |
\([[8,2,2]]\) hyperbolic color code | An \([[8,2,2]]\) hyperbolic color code defined on the projective plane. |
\([[8,3,2]]\) Smallest interesting color code | Smallest 3D color code whose physical qubits lie on vertices of a cube and which admits a (weakly) transversal \(CCZ\) gate. |
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