Honeycomb (6.6.6) color code[1]
2D color code defined on a patch of the 6.6.6 (honeycomb) tiling.
Stabilizer generators are shown in Figure I.
There is a \([[(3d^2+1)/4, 1, d]]\) code family [2; Fig. 2] and a \([[(3d-1)^2/4, 1, d]]\) code family [3].Transversal Gates
CNOT gate because the code is CSS.Hadamard gates for any qubit geometry which yields a self-dual CSS code.Transversal \(S\) gate [1,2].Gates
Lattice surgery scheme for a hybrid 6.6.6-4.8.8 layout yields lower resource overhead when compared to analogous surface code scheme [4].Low-overhead magic-state distillation circuit using flag qubits [5] or lattice surgery [6].Decoding
Distance-three measurement schedule based on detector error models [7].Message-passing decoder [8].Adaptation of the restriction decoder [3].Neural-network decoder [9].Möbius matching decoder gives low logical failure rate [10] and has an open-source implementation called Chromöbius [11].AMBP4, a quaternary version [12] of the MBP decoder [13].MaxSAT-based decoder [14].Most likely error (MLE) decoder [15].Neural network decoder [15].Code Capacity Threshold
Independent \(X,Z\) noise: \(p_X = 7.8\%\) under message-passing decoder [8], \(8.7\%\) under projection decoder [17], \(\geq 6\%\) under rescaling decoder [18], \(9.0\%\) under Möbius matching decoder [10], \(10.1\%\) under MaxSAT-based decoder [14], and \(8.2\%\) under concatenated MWPM decoder [19]. The threshold under ML decoding corresponds to the value of a critical point of the two-dimensional three-body random-bond Ising model (RBIM) on the Nishimori line [20,21], calculated to be \(10.9(2)\%\) in Ref. [21] and \(10.97(1)\%\) in Ref. [22].Depolarizing channel: \(12.6\%\) under the restriction decoder [3] and the projection decoder [17], and \(\approx 14.5\%\) under AMBP4 decoding [12; Fig. 12].Threshold
The threshold under ML decoding with measurement errors corresponds to the value of a critical point of a three-dimensional disordered Ising model, estimated to be \(4.8(2)\%\) [23].Circuit-level noise: \(0.2\%\) using two flag qubits per stabilizer generator and the restriction decoder [3], and \(0.46\%\) under concatenated MWPM decoder [19].A measurement threshold of one [24].Realizations
Superconducting qubits: transversal Clifford gates, randomized logical benchmarking, and magic-state injection demonstrated on distance-three and five triangular color codes on the Willow device by Google Quantum AI [15]. Logical state teleportation using lattice surgery performed between two distance-three color codes.Cousins
- Honeycomb tiling— The triangular color code is defined on the honeycomb tiling.
- Concatenated GKP code— GKP codes have been concatenated with the 6.6.6 color code [25].
- Tensor-network code— Larger triangular color codes can be constructed by contracting legs of tensors of smaller codes [26; Fig. 5].
- Dynamical code— The parent topological phase of the 2D DA color code is realized by two copies of the 6.6.6 color code [27].
- XYZ ruby Floquet code— One third of the time during its measurement schedule, the ISG of the XYZ ruby Floquet code is that of the 6.6.6 color code concatenated with a three-qubit repetition code.
- Bivariate bicycle (BB) code— Certain bivariate bicycle codes are equivalent to a family of 6.6.6 color codes [28].
- Square-octagon (4.8.8) color code— Lattice surgery scheme for a hybrid 6.6.6-4.8.8 layout yields lower resource overhead when compared to analogous surface code scheme [4].
- XYZ color code— The XYZ color code is obtained from the 6.6.6 color code by applying single-qubit Clifford rotations on a subset of qubits such that the \(X\)- and \(Z\)-type generators are mapped to \(XZXZXZ\) and \(ZYZYZY\), respectively.
Member of code lists
- 2D stabilizer codes
- Color code and friends
- Hamiltonian-based codes
- Quantum codes
- Quantum codes based on homological products
- Quantum codes with code capacity thresholds
- Quantum codes with fault-tolerant gadgets
- Quantum codes with notable decoders
- Quantum codes with other thresholds
- Quantum codes with transversal gates
- Quantum CSS codes
- Quantum LDPC codes
- Realized quantum codes
- Stabilizer codes
- Surface code and friends
- Topological codes
Primary Hierarchy
Generalized homological-product qubit CSS codeGeneralized homological-product QLDPC CSS Stabilizer Hamiltonian-based QECC Quantum
2D color codeGeneralized homological-product Twist-defect color Lattice stabilizer QLDPC CSS Stabilizer Qubit Abelian topological Topological Hamiltonian-based QECC Quantum
Honeycomb (6.6.6) color code
The \([[6,4,2]]\) error-detecting code is a color code defined on a single hexagon of the 6.6.6 or 4.6.12 tilings. The \([[6,4,2]]\) code can be concatenated with the surface code to yield the 6.6.6 color code [29; Appx. A].
Steane code is a 2D color code defined on a seven-qubit patch of the 6.6.6 tiling.
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- Eric Huang (2024-03-18) — most recent
- Victor V. Albert (2023-11-13)
- Cella Kove (2023-07-24)
Cite as:
“Honeycomb (6.6.6) color code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/triangular_color