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\([[8,3,2]]\) Smallest interesting color code[1,2]


Smallest 3D color code whose physical qubits lie on vertices of a cube and which admits a (weakly) transversal \(CCZ\) gate.

Transversal Gates

CZ gates between any two logical qubits [3] and (weakly) transversal \(CCZ\) gate [13].

Fault Tolerance

\(CCZ\) gate can be distilled in a fault-tolerant manner [4].


Trapped ions: one-qubit addition algorithm implemented fault-tolerantly on the Quantinuum H1-1 device [5].Superconducting circuits: fault-tolerant \(CZZ\) gate performed on IBM and IonQ devices [6].Rydberg atom arrays: Lukin group [7]. 48 logical qubits, 228 logical two-qubit gates, 48 logical \(CCZ\) gates, and error detection peformed in 16 blocks. Circuit outcomes were sampled and cross-entropy (XEB) was calculated to verify quantumness. Logical entanglement entropy was measured [7].


  • \([[15,1,3]]\) quantum Reed-Muller code— The \([[8,3,2]]\) code can be obtained from a subset of physical qubits of the \([[15,1,3]]\) code [8].
  • 3D surface code— The \([[8,3,2]]\) code can be concatenated with a 3D surface code to yield a \([[O(d^3),3,2d]]\) code family that admits a transversal implementation of the logical \(CCZ\) gate [9].
  • Concatenated qubit code— The \([[8,3,2]]\) code can be concatenated with a 3D surface code to yield a \([[O(d^3),3,2d]]\) code family that admits a transversal implementation of the logical \(CCZ\) gate [9].
  • \([[10,1,2]]\) CSS code— The \([[10,1,2]]\) CSS code can be obtained by morphing the \([[8,3,2]]\) code [8].
  • \([[12,2,2]]\) CSS code— The \([[12,2,2]]\) CSS code can be obtained by joining two copies of the \([[8,3,2]]\) code at a common face [10].
  • \([[16,6,4]]\) Tesseract color code— Applying CNOT gates to the tesseract color code disentangles it into two \([[8,3,2]]\) color codes [11].


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H. Chen, M. Vasmer, N. P. Breuckmann, and E. Grant, “Automated discovery of logical gates for quantum error correction (with Supplementary (153 pages))”, Quantum Information and Computation 22, 947 (2022) arXiv:1912.10063 DOI
J. Haah and M. B. Hastings, “Measurement sequences for magic state distillation”, Quantum 5, 383 (2021) arXiv:2007.07929 DOI
Y. Wang et al., “Fault-tolerant one-bit addition with the smallest interesting color code”, Science Advances 10, (2024) arXiv:2309.09893 DOI
D. Honciuc Menendez, A. Ray, and M. Vasmer, “Implementing fault-tolerant non-Clifford gates using the [[8,3,2]] color code”, Physical Review A 109, (2024) arXiv:2309.08663 DOI
D. Bluvstein et al., “Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays”, Nature 626, 58 (2023) arXiv:2312.03982 DOI
M. Vasmer and A. Kubica, “Morphing Quantum Codes”, PRX Quantum 3, (2022) arXiv:2112.01446 DOI
D. Hangleiter, M. Kalinowski, D. Bluvstein, M. Cain, N. Maskara, X. Gao, A. Kubica, M. D. Lukin, and M. J. Gullans, “Fault-tolerant compiling of classically hard IQP circuits on hypercubes”, (2024) arXiv:2404.19005
M. A. Webster, A. O. Quintavalle, and S. D. Bartlett, “Transversal diagonal logical operators for stabiliser codes”, New Journal of Physics 25, 103018 (2023) arXiv:2303.15615 DOI
B. W. Reichardt et al., “Demonstration of quantum computation and error correction with a tesseract code”, (2024) arXiv:2409.04628
M. A. Webster, B. J. Brown, and S. D. Bartlett, “The XP Stabiliser Formalism: a Generalisation of the Pauli Stabiliser Formalism with Arbitrary Phases”, Quantum 6, 815 (2022) arXiv:2203.00103 DOI
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Zoo Code ID: stab_8_3_2

Cite as:
\([[8,3,2]]\) Smallest interesting color code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/stab_8_3_2
@incollection{eczoo_stab_8_3_2, title={\([[8,3,2]]\) Smallest interesting color code}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2022}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/stab_8_3_2} }
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\([[8,3,2]]\) Smallest interesting color code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/stab_8_3_2

Github: https://github.com/errorcorrectionzoo/eczoo_data/edit/main/codes/quantum/qubits/small_distance/small/8/stab_8_3_2.yml.