Here is a list of 3D stabilizer codes.
Code | Description |
3D color code | Color code defined on a four-valent four-colorable tiling of 3D space. Logical dimension is determined by the genus of the underlying surface (for closed surfaces) and types of boundaries (for open surfaces). |
3D fermionic surface code | A non-CSS 3D Kitaev surface code that realizes \(\mathbb{Z}_2\) gauge theory with an emergent fermion, i.e., the fermionic-charge bosonic-loop (FcBl) phase [1]. The model can be defined on a cubic lattice in several ways [2; Eq. (D45-46)]. Realizations on other lattices also exist [3,4]. |
3D lattice stabilizer code | Lattice stabilizer code in three spatial dimensions. Qubit codes are conjectured to admit either fracton phases or abelian topological phases that are equivalent to multiple copies of the 3D surface code and/or the 3D fermionic surface code via a local constant-depth Clifford circuit [2]. |
3D surface code | A generalization of the Kitaev surface code defined on a 3D lattice. |
Chamon model code | A foliated type-I fracton non-CSS code defined on a cubic lattice using one weight-eight stabilizer generator acting on the eight vertices of each cube in the lattice [2; Eq. (D38)]. |
Checkerboard model code | A foliated type-I fracton code defined on a cubic lattice that admits weight-eight \(X\)- and \(Z\)-type stabilizer generators on the eight vertices of each cube in the lattice. |
Chiral semion Walker-Wang model code | A 3D lattice modular-qudit stabilizer code with qudit dimension \(q=4\) whose low-energy excitations on boundaries realize the chiral semion topological order. The model admits 2D chiral semion topological order at one of its surfaces [5,6]. The corresponding phase can also be realized via a non-stabilizer Hamiltonian [7]. |
Cubic honeycomb color code | 3D color code defined on a four-colorable bitruncated cubic honeycomb uniform tiling. |
Fibonacci fractal spin-liquid code | A fractal type-I fracton CSS code defined on a cubic lattice [2; Eq. (D23)]. |
Fracton stabilizer code | A 3D translationally invariant modular-qudit stabilizer code whose codewords make up the ground-state space of a Hamiltonian in a fracton phase. Unlike topological phases, whose excitations can move in any direction, fracton phases are characterized by excitations whose movement is restricted. |
Haah cubic code (CC) | A 3D lattice stabilizer code on a length-\(L\) cubic lattice with one or two qubits per site. Admits two types of stabilizer generators with support on each cube of the lattice. In the non-CSS case, these two are related by spatial inversion. For CSS codes, we require that the product of all corner operators is the identity. We lastly require that there are no non-trival string operators, meaning that single-site operators are a phase, and any period one logical operator \(l \in \mathsf{S}^{\perp}\) is just a phase. |
Hsieh-Halasz (HH) code | Member of one of two families of fracton codes, named HH-I and HH-II, defined on a cubic lattice with two qubits per site. HH-I (HH-II) is a CSS (non-CSS) stabilizer code family, with the former identified as a foliated type-I fracton code [2]. |
Hsieh-Halasz-Balents (HHB) code | Member of one of two families of fracton codes, named HHB model A and B, defined on a cubic lattice with two qubits per site. Both are expected to be foliated type-I fracton codes [2; Eqs. (D42-D43)]. |
Layer code | Member of a family of 3D lattice CSS codes with stabilizer generator weights \(\leq 6\) that are obtained by coupling layers of 2D surface code according to the Tanner graph of a QLDPC code. Geometric locality is maintained because, instead of being concatenated, each pair of parallel surface-code squares are fused (or quasi-concatenated) with perpendicular surface-code squares via lattice surgery. |
Majorana checkerboard code | A Majorana analogue of the X-cube model defined on a cubic lattice. The code admits weight-eight Majorana stabilizer generators on the eight vertices of each cube of a checkerboard sublattice. |
Qudit cubic code | Generalization of the Haah cubic code to modular qudits. |
Raussendorf-Bravyi-Harrington (RBH) cluster-state code | A three-dimensional cluster-state code defined on the bcc lattice (i.e., a cubic lattice with qubits on edges and faces). |
Sierpinsky fractal spin-liquid (SFSL) code | A fractal type-I fracton CSS code defined on a cubic lattice [2; Eq. (D22)]. The code admits an excitation-moving operator shaped like a Sierpinski triangle [2; Fig. 2]. |
Tetrahedral color code | 3D color code defined on select tetrahedra of a 3D tiling. Qubits are placed on the vertices, edges, triangles, and in the center of each tetrahedron. The code has both string-like and sheet-like logical operators [8]. |
Three-fermion (3F) Walker-Wang model code | A 3D lattice stabilizer code whose low-energy excitations on boundaries realize a 3D time-reversal SPT order [9] and that can be used as a resource state for fault-tolerant MBQC [10]. The anyons at the boundary of the lattice are described by the 3F anyon theory. |
Two-foliated fracton code | A type-I fracton code obtained by gauging [11–13,13] a topological phase with subsystem symmetry. |
Type-II fractal spin-liquid code | A type-II fracton prime-qudit CSS code defined on a cubic lattice [2; Eqs. (D9-D10)]. |
X-cube model code | A foliated type-I fracton code supporting a subextensive number of logical qubits. Variants include the membrane-coupled [14], twice-foliated [15], and several generalized [16] X-cube models. |
\([[15,1,3]]\) quantum Reed-Muller code | \([[15,1,3]]\) CSS code that is most easily thought of as a tetrahedral 3D color code. |
\([[8,3,2]]\) Smallest interesting color code | Smallest 3D color code whose physical qubits lie on vertices of a cube and which admits a (weakly) transversal \(CCZ\) gate. |
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