A level-\(\nu\) quantum divisible code is a CSS code whose \(X\)-type stabilizers form a \(\nu\)-even linear binary code in the symplectic representation and which admits a transversal gate at the \(\nu\)th level of the Clifford hierarchy. A CSS code is doubly even (triply even) if all \(X\)-type stabilizers have weight divisible by four (eight), i.e., if they form a doubly even (triply even) linear binary code.
The definition can be generalized to weakly \(\nu\)-divisible (see, e.g., Ref. [4]), which means that there exist some disjoint qubit subsets \(M^{\pm}\) such that \begin{align} | x \cap M^{+} | - | x \cap M^{-} | \equiv 0 \mod \nu \tag*{(1)}\end{align} for all rows \(x\) of the code's \(X\)-type stabilizer generator matrix. CSS codes satisfying the above with \(\nu = 2\) (\(\nu = 4\), \(\nu = 8\)) are called weak even (weak doubly even, weak triply even). This generalization reduces to the original definition when \(M^{+}\) is the full set of qubits, and \(M^{-}\) the empty set.
An alternative definition [5,6], not used here, is a CSS code defined from two linear binary codes \(C_{1,2}\) such that it is quantum divisible with \(\nu > 1\), and all weights in each coset of \(C_2\) in \(C_1\) are congruent to \(\nu\). For example [6], if \(C_2\) is the first-order RM\((1,m)\) code, and \(C_1/ C_2\) consists of quadratic forms with a bounded rank, then \([[n = 2m − 1, 1 \leq k \leq 1 + \sum_{i=1}^{m-4}(m − i), d = 3]]\) is a family of such codes.
Transversal Gates
Doubly even codes can yield a transversal \(S\) gate, while triply even codes yield a logical \(T\) gate for odd \(n\) via physical action of \(T\) gates on each qubit [7].If the \(X\)-type stabilizers of a CSS code form an \(\nu\)-even classical code, and if all \(X\)-type logicals are \((\nu-1)\)-even, then the code admits a diagonal transversal gate in the \(\nu\)th level of the Clifford hierarchy [8; Prop. 8].Gates
The \([[2m − 1, 1 \leq k \leq 1 + \sum_{i=1}^{m-4}(m − i), 3]]\) quantum divisible code family can serve as outer codes of either the five-qubit \([[5,1,3]]\) or Steane \([[7,1,3]]\) code to realize a \(T\) gate on the inner code [6]. For example, when \(m=5\) (\(m=6\)), the resulting \([[31,5,3]]\) (\([[63,7,3]]\)) code yields the \(T\) gate on the inner five-qubit (Steane) code.Fault Tolerance
The \(T\) gate realized by concatenating members of the \([[2m − 1, 1 \leq k \leq 1 + \sum_{i=1}^{m-4}(m − i), 3]]\) quantum divisible code family with either the five-qubit \([[5,1,3]]\) or Steane \([[7,1,3]]\) code is fault-tolerant and does not require magic-state distillation [6]. The gate is performed on the inner five-qubit/Steane code and does require encoding and decoding algorithms to pass between the inner and outer codes.Realizations
Triply even codes can yield secure multi-party quantum computation [9].Cousins
- Divisible code— The \(X\)-type stabilizers of a level-\(\nu\) quantum divisible code form a \(\nu\)-even linear binary code.
- \([2^m,m+1,2^{m-1}]\) First-order RM code— Quantum divisible codes can be constructed out of first-order RM\((1,m)\) codes [6].
- Concatenated qubit code— A fault-tolerant \(T\) gate on the five-qubit or Steane code can be obtained by concatenating with particular quantum divisible codes [6].
- Five-qubit perfect code— A fault-tolerant \(T\) gate on the five-qubit code can be obtained by concatenating with particular quantum divisible codes [6].
- \([[7,1,3]]\) Steane code— A fault-tolerant \(T\) gate on the Steane code can be obtained by concatenating with particular quantum divisible codes [6].
- Quasi-cyclic code— Certain double circulant codes can be used to construct doubly even \([[55,1,11]]\) and \([[87,1,15]]\) codes [10].
- Quantum Reed-Muller code— Fault-tolerant universal computation can be achieved via code switching between the \([[127,1,15]]\) self-dual doubly even punctured quantum RM code and the \([[127,1,7]]\) triply even punctured quantum RM code [11].
- Doubled color code— Doubled color codes are subsystem codes constructed using a generalization of the doubling transformation [12] that combines doubly even linear binary codes to make triply even codes. The doubling transformation is a special case of level lifting (from two to three) [13; Sec. VI.D].
- Quantum quadratic-residue (QR) code— Qubit quantum QR codes are doubly even and admit transversal implementations of the single-qubit Clifford group [4]. They yield a family of high-distance triorthogonal and weak triply even codes via the doubling transformation [4]; such codes admit transversal implementations of the \(T\) gate.
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Page edit log
- Jingzhen Hu (2022-05-04) — most recent
- Victor V. Albert (2022-05-04)
Cite as:
“Quantum divisible code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.