Modular-qudit surface code[13] 

Also known as \(\mathbb{Z}_q\) surface code.


Extension of the surface code to prime-dimensional [1,2] and more general modular qudits [3]. Stabilizer generators are few-body \(X\)-type and \(Z\)-type Pauli strings associated to the stars and plaquettes, respectively, of a tessellation of a two-dimensional surface. Since qudits have more than one \(X\) and \(Z\)-type operator, various sets of stabilizer generators can be defined. Ground-state degeneracy and the associated phase depends on the qudit dimension and the stabilizer generators.


Renormalization group decoder [4,5].


The simplest Decodoku game is based on the qudit surface code with \( q=10\). See related Qiskit tutorial.




  • Hopf-algebra quantum-double code — The modular-qudit surface code can be generalized to a Hopf-algebra quantum-double code whose ground states remain the same but whose excitations are based on quasitriangular semisimple Hopf algebras of \(\mathbb{Z}_q\) [7].
  • Analog surface code — The analog surface code realizes a straightforward extension of the modular-qudit surface code to infinite local dimension, \(q\to\infty\). There are two types of anyons, \(e\) and \(m\), with each type being valued in \(U(1)\) as opposed to \(\mathbb{Z}_q\) for the qudit surface code.
  • Twist-defect surface code — Twist-defect surface codes have been extended to prime-dimensional qudits [8].
  • Double-semion stabilizer code — The exchange statistics of the anyon for the double-semion code coincides with a subset of anyons in the \(\mathbb{Z}_4\), but the fusion rules are different. The double-semion code can be obtained from the \(\mathbb{Z}_4\) surface code by condensing the anyon \(e^2 m^2\) [9] or by gauging [1012,12] the one-form symmetry associated with said anyon [9; Footnote 20].
  • \(\mathbb{Z}_q^{(1)}\) subsystem code — The \(\mathbb{Z}_q^{(1)}\) subsystem code can be obtained from the \(\mathbb{Z}_q\) square-lattice surface code by gauging out the anyon \(e^{-1} m\) and applying single-qubit Clifford gates [9; Sec. 7.3]. During this process, the square lattice is effectively expanded to a hexagonal lattice [9; Fig. 12].


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“Modular-qudit surface code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.
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“Modular-qudit surface code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.
