PSK c-q code[1]
Coherent-state c-q \(q\)-ary code whose \(j\)th codeword corresponds to a coherent state whose phase is the \(j\)th multiple of \(2\pi/q\). These states are also called geometrically uniform states (GUS) [2].Protection
The error probability for \(q=4\) under an optimal quantum detector is worked out in [3; Sec. IV.3]; see also [2,4,5].Realizations
Unambiguous state discrimination using displacement-based receiver for 4-PSK [13].Multi-stage quantum receivers [1,14–16].Bayesian inference [17].Time resolving quantum receiver opertaing in the telecom C band [18].Displacements and photon detection [19].Adaptive decoder using linear-optical elements and photon detection [20].Cousins
- Phase-shift keying (PSK) code— PSK (PSK c-q) codes are used to transmit classical information using single-mode coherent states distributed on a circle over classical (quantum) channels.
- Cat code— PSK c-q (cat) codes are used to transmit classical (quantum) information using (superpositions of) single-mode coherent states distributed on a circle over quantum channels.
- Polygon code— The PSK coherent-state constellation forms the vertices of a \(q\)-gon.
Primary Hierarchy
The CFSK c-q code reduces to the \(q\)-ary PSK c-q code when \(\Delta\omega = 0\) and \(\Delta\theta = 2\pi/q\).
PSK c-q code
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- Victor V. Albert (2022-12-04) — most recent
Cite as:
“PSK c-q code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.