Here is a list of all codes that belong to the quantum-into-classical domain.
- BPSK c-q code Coherent-state c-q binary code encoding into two coherent states \(|\pm\alpha\rangle\) for complex \(\alpha\). A shifted version, with codewords \(\{|0\rangle,|\alpha\rangle\}\), is called binary amplitude modulation (BAM), The three-state subcode \(\{|\alpha,\alpha\rangle,|-\alpha,\alpha\rangle,|\alpha,-\alpha\rangle\}\) of two-mode BPSK is called the single-degeneracy code [1].
- Bosonic c-q code Bosonic code designed for transmission of classical information through non-classical channels.
- Classical-quantum (c-q) code Code designed specifically for transmission of classical information through non-classical channels, e.g., quantum channels, hybrid quantum-classical channels, or channels with classical inputs and quantum outputs. Such codes include maps from a classical alphabet into a quantum Hilbert space.
- Coherent FSK (CFSK) c-q code[2,3] Coherent-state c-q code encoding into coherent states that are frequency-shifted with certain initial relative phase.
- Coherent-state c-q code Bosonic c-q code whose codewords form a constellation of coherent states. Encodes real numbers into coherent states for transmission over a quantum channel and decoding with a quantum-enhanced receiver.
- Concatenated c-q code A c-q code constructed out of two classical or quantum codes for the purposes of transmission of classical information over quantum channels.
- Hadamard BPSK c-q code[1] Multimode coherent-state c-q code that is a concatenation of a Hadamard code with a BPSK c-q code. Its codewords are \(n\)-mode coherent states whose components \(\pm\alpha\) are arranged according to rows of a Hadamard matrix.
- Lechner-Hauke-Zoller (LHZ) code[4,5] a.k.a. Lechner-Hauke-Zoller (LHZ) parity code.LDPC c-q code designed to convert the long-range interactions of a quantum annealer into local constraints. The code maps the bits of a classical Ising model with all-to-all \(D\)-body interactions into one on a \(D\)-dimensional lattice. An extension maps more general models onto the same lattice [6].
- Niset-Andersen-Cerf code[7] Coherent-state c-q code encoding two-mode coherent states \(\{|\alpha\rangle, |\beta\rangle\}\) into four modes such that the complex values \((\alpha,\beta)\) are recoverable after a single-mode erasure. There are two variations of the storage procedure: a deterministic protocol that offers recovery against a single mode erasure, and a probabalistic that can protect against multiple errors with post selection. This code is effectively protecting classical information stored in \((\alpha,\beta)\) using quantum operations.
- On-off keyed (OOK) c-q code[8] Coherent-state c-q binary code whose encoding is either in the vacuum \(|0\rangle\) or in a nonzero coherent state \(|\alpha\rangle\).
- PPM c-q code[9] A \(q\)-PPM c-q code is a coherent-state c-q code whose \(j\)th codeword corresponds to a tensor-product state of zero-amplitude coherent states at all modes except mode \(j\). For example, a 3-PPM encoding corresponds to the three-mode states \(|\alpha\rangle|0\rangle|0\rangle\), \(|0\rangle|\alpha\rangle|0\rangle\), and \(|0\rangle|0\rangle|\alpha\rangle\) for some complex \(\alpha\). The dual of a PPM code is obtained by the exchange \(0\leftrightarrow\alpha\).
- PSK c-q code[10] Coherent-state c-q \(q\)-ary code whose \(j\)th codeword corresponds to a coherent state whose phase is the \(j\)th multiple of \(2\pi/q\). These states are also called geometrically uniform states (GUS) [11].
- Polar c-q code[12,13] Polar code adapted to transmit classical information over channels with classical inputs and quantum outputs.
- Qubit c-q code Qubit code designed for transmission of classical information in the form of bits through non-classical channels.
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