Two-mode bosonic code encoding a logical qubit in Fock states with one excitation. The logical-zero state is represented by \(|10\rangle\), while the logical-one state is represented by \(|01\rangle\). This encoding is often realized in temporal or spatial modes, corresponding to a time-bin or frequency-bin encoding. Two different types of photon polarization can also be used.
This is an error-detecting code against one photon loss event; it is often used in photonic quantum devices because of its ease of realization. A single loss event can be detected because, after the loss occurs, the output state \(|00\rangle\) is orthogonal to the codespace. Recovery is not possible, so a successful run of a quantum circuit is conditioned on not losing a photon during the circuit.
For Deutsch''s problem specifically, this code protects against errors resulting in states that have the correct photon number, but in the wrong modes [9].
Optimal control pulses [10]Gates
General gates are performed using two-body Hamiltonian rotations [8].Bosonic gates include beamsplitters [11] and Kerr nonlinearities. Universal quantum computing can be achieved using the KLM protocol [12] with only linear optical elements and photon detectors.Dynamical-decoupling protocols [8,13].A probabilistic CZ gate via a non-linear sign-shift gate, which transforms the Fock states \( \alpha|0\rangle+\beta|1\rangle+\gamma|2\rangle\) into \(\alpha|0\rangle+\beta|1\rangle-\gamma|2\rangle \), followed by measurement [14].Error-detecting \(CCZ\) and \(cSWAP\) gates using three-level ancilla [15].Fault Tolerance
Dual-rail qubits can be used to convert leakage and AD noise into erasure noise [16,17].Realizations
The dual-rail code is ubiquitous in linear-optical quantum devices and is behind the KLM protocol, one of the first proposals for fault-tolerant computation. See reviews [18–20] for more details.Superconducting circuit devices: Gates have been demonstrated in the Schoelkopf group at Yale University [11]. Error detection has been demonstrated in 3D cavities in the Devoret group at Yale University [10] and Amazon Web Services [21] using transmon qubits, following earlier theoretical proposals [17,22]. Logical readout in 3D cavities has been demonstrated by Quantum Circuits Inc. [23].Photonic platforms: state preparation and measurement fidelity of \(99.98\%\) in the C telecom band by PsiQuantum [24].Cousins
- Concatenated bosonic code— The KLM protocol, one of the first protocols for fault-tolerant quantum computation, utilizes concatenations of the dual-rail code with a stabilizer code such as the Steane code [12,25,26]. Concatenating the dual-rail code with an \([[n,k,d]]\) stabilizer code yields an \([[2n,k,d]]\) constant-excitation code [27] that protects against \(d-1\) AD errors [28]. Concatenating the outer dual-rail code with an inner single-mode bosonic code yields several gates that are independent of the inner code [29].
- \([[7,1,3]]\) Steane code— The KLM protocol, one of the first protocols for fault-tolerant quantum computation, utilizes concatenations of the dual-rail code with a stabilizer code such as the Steane code [12,25,26].
- Single-mode bosonic code— Concatenating the outer dual-rail code with an inner single-mode bosonic code yields several gates that are independent of the inner code [29].
- Amplitude-damping (AD) code— Dual-rail qubits can be used to convert leakage and AD noise into erasure noise [16,17]. Concatenating the dual-rail code with an \([[n,k,d]]\) stabilizer code yields an \([[2n,k,d]]\) constant-excitation code [27] that protects against \(d-1\) AD errors [28].
- Quantum parity code (QPC)— An \([[8,1,2]]\) QPC correcting a single AD error is equivalent to a concatenation of the \(\{|\overline{01}\rangle,|\overline{11}\rangle\}\) (constant-excitation) subcode of the \([[4,2,2]]\) code with the dual-rail code [27,30,31]. More generally, an \([[m^2,1,m]]\) QPC corrects \(m-1\) AD errors [28].
- \([[4,2,2]]\) Four-qubit code— An \([[8,1,2]]\) QPC correcting a single AD error is equivalent to a concatenation of the \(\{|\overline{01}\rangle,|\overline{11}\rangle\}\) (constant-excitation) subcode of the \([[4,2,2]]\) code with the dual-rail code [27,30,31]. More generally, an \([[m^2,1,m]]\) QPC corrects \(m-1\) AD errors [28].
- Cluster-state code— The KLM protocol can be combined with cluster states in various ways to yield MBQC protocols [32–34]; see review [20].
- Fusion-based quantum computing (FBQC) code— FBQC resource states are concatenated with dual-rail codes to increase loss detection.
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Page edit log
- Yinchen Liu (2024-03-15) — most recent
- Esha Swaroop (2024-03-14)
- Victor V. Albert (2021-12-18)
- Dhruv Devulapalli (2021-12-17)
- Aniket Maiti (2024-02-08)
Cite as:
“Dual-rail quantum code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024.