Alternative names: Subspace Shor code.
A \([[m_1 m_2,1,\min(m_1,m_2)]]\) CSS code family obtained from concatenating an \(m_1\)-qubit phase-flip repetition code with an \(m_2\)-qubit bit-flip repetition code.
Logical codewords are \begin{align} \begin{split} |\overline{0}\rangle&=\frac{1}{2^{m_2/2}}\left(|0\rangle^{\otimes m_1}+|1\rangle^{\otimes m_1}\right)^{\otimes m_2}\\ |\overline{1}\rangle&=\frac{1}{2^{m_2/2}}\left(|0\rangle^{\otimes m_1}-|1\rangle^{\otimes m_1}\right)^{\otimes m_2}~. \end{split} \tag*{(1)}\end{align}
Has distance \(d=\min(m_1,m_2)\).Encoding
Encoders for a recursively concatenated QPCs are related to quantum trees [4–6] and tree tensor networks [7].Linear-optical encoding [8].Decoding
Teleportation-based QEC [9].Threshold
All optical scheme using QPCs concatenated with either Steane or Golay codes [10].Realizations
The \([[m^2,1,m]]\) codes for \(m\leq 7\) have been realized in trapped-ion quantum devices [11].QPCs have been discussed independently in the context of superconducting circuits [12; Eq. (1)][13; Eqs. (8-10)], and aspects of such designs have been realized in experiments [14].Notes
Non-determinisitic linear-optical encoding [3] whose success probability \(P_{E}\) is determined by the efficiency \(\eta\) of the photonic encoding circuit. A threshold \(\eta > 0.82 \) exists for the efficiency, above which \(P_{E}\to 1\) as \(m_1\to\infty\) given particular \(m_2\).Cousins
- Bacon-Shor code— Bacon-Shor codes reduce to QPCs when all \(X\)-type gauge generators are fixed [15; pg. 6].
- Majorana stabilizer code— QPCs for \(m_1=m_2\) can be conveniantly expressed in terms of mutually commuting Majorana operators [16].
- Constant-excitation (CE) code— QPCs for even \(m_1\) can be made into CE codes by a Pauli transformation (e.g., \(XIXI\cdots XI\)) applied to each block of \(m_1\) qubits.
- Amplitude-damping (AD) code— An \([[8,1,2]]\) QPC correcting a single AD error is equivalent to a concatenation of the \(\{|\overline{01}\rangle,|\overline{11}\rangle\}\) (constant-excitation) subcode of the \([[4,2,2]]\) code with the dual-rail code [3,17,18]. More generally, an \([[m^2,1,m]]\) QPC corrects \(m-1\) AD errors [19].
- Raussendorf-Bravyi-Harrington (RBH) cluster-state code— QPCs can be concatenated with RBH codes [20].
- Dual-rail quantum code— An \([[8,1,2]]\) QPC correcting a single AD error is equivalent to a concatenation of the \(\{|\overline{01}\rangle,|\overline{11}\rangle\}\) (constant-excitation) subcode of the \([[4,2,2]]\) code with the dual-rail code [3,17,18]. More generally, an \([[m^2,1,m]]\) QPC corrects \(m-1\) AD errors [19].
- Two-mode binomial code— Two-mode binomial codes can be concatenated with repetition codes to yield bosonic analogues of QPCs [21].
- Concatenated GKP code— GKP codes have been concatenated with QPCs [22].
- Asymmetric quantum code— QPC parameters against bit- and phase-noise can be tuned.
- \([[4,2,2]]\) Four-qubit code— The \(\{|\overline{00}\rangle,|\overline{01}\rangle\}\) \([[4,1,2]]\) subcode is the smallest QPC, i.e., a concatenation of a two-qubit bit-flip with a two-qubit phase-flip repetition code. An \([[8,1,2]]\) QPC correcting a single AD error is equivalent to a concatenation of the \(\{|\overline{01}\rangle,|\overline{11}\rangle\}\) (constant-excitation) subcode of the \([[4,2,2]]\) code with the dual-rail code [3,17,18].
- Compass code— The Shor-density compass code family interpolates between Bacon-Shor codes and QPCs.
Primary Hierarchy
A \([[m_1 m_2,1,\min(m_1,m_2)]]_G\) group-based QPC reduces to a QPC for \(G=\mathbb{Z}_2\).
Quantum parity code (QPC)
A \([[m_1 m_2,1,\min(m_1,m_2)]]\) QPC reduces to a repetition code when \(m_1\) or \(m_2\) is one.
The Shor code is part of the sub-family of \([[m^2,1,m]]\) QPCs.
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- Victor V. Albert (2023-11-14) — most recent
- Victor V. Albert (2021-12-31)
- Xinyuan Zheng (2021-12-20)
Cite as:
“Quantum parity code (QPC)”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023.