Binary linear code whose generator matrix is that of the row space of the adjacency matrix of a strongly regular graph. Given an adjacency matrix \(A\), the generator matrix is either \(G=A\) or \(G=(I|A)\), where \(I\) is the identity matrix.
Codes based on strongly regular graphs are sometimes optimal or nearly optimal for their length and size [1].
- Cycle code— Graph-adjacency (cycle) codes' generator (parity-check) matrices are defined using adjacency (incidence) matrices of graphs.
- Hermitian qubit code— Bounds on self-dual \([[n,0,d]]\) Hermitian codes based on graphs have been derived [2].
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- Victor V. Albert (2024-01-06) — most recent
Cite as:
“Graph-adjacency code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024.