A code whose codewords are uniformly distributed in a way that is useful for determining averages of polynomials over the code's underlying space \(X\). In that way, the codewords form an approximation of the space. A code is a design on \(X\) of strength \(t\), i.e., a \(t\)-design on \(X\), if the average of any polynomial of degree up to \(t\) over its codewords is equal to the uniform average over all of \(X\).
As such, a design can be used to determine the average of degree-\(\leq t\) polynomials \(p\) over \(X\), \begin{align} \int_{X}dxp(x)={\textstyle \frac{1}{|D|}}\sum_{x\in D}p(x)~, \tag*{(1)}\end{align} where the integral is over \(X\) (given some measure \(d x\)), while the sum is over the design \(D\subset X\). A weighted design is a design for which each term \(p(x)\) in the above sum must be multiplied by a weight \(w(x)\) in order to be equal to the left-hand side. The most well-known examples of weighed designs are exact Gaussian quadrature or cubature formulas for integration over the reals [1–4], \(X = \mathbb{R}^D\) (with appropriate measure); these tend to be weighted designs.
Fixed-weight codewords of a binary code can form a design on \(X\) being a Johnson space \(J^n_w\), i.e., the space of length-\(n\) binary strings of weight \(w\). Such a design is called a combinatorial design (a.k.a. block design or covering design) [5], which includes Steiner systems as a special case. Designs on the full space of binary strings (Hamming space) are called orthogonal arrays.
More generally, designs exist when \(X\) is \(q\)-ary Hamming space, ordered Hamming space [6,7], \(q\)-Johnson space [8,9] (where they are called subspace designs), a sphere [10] (where they are called spherical designs), or a compact connected two-point homogeneous space [11–13] (the sphere or the real, complex, quaternionic, or octonionic projective spaces [14]).
Complex projective designs are designs on the space of all quantum states [15–17]. Symmetric informationally complete quantum measurements (SIC-POVMs) [15] and mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) [18,19] are important examples of such designs.
Designs also exist on groups. Designs on the unitary (projective unitary) group are called strong unitary (unitary) designs [20–22], while \(t\)-designs on the permutation group are called permutation \(t\)-designs [23] (a.k.a. \(t\)-wise independent permutations).
Other notable designs include torus designs [24,25], simplex designs [26–29], Grassmanian designs [30–32], and designs on vertex operator algebras (a.k.a. conformal designs) [33]. Existence has been proven for combinatorial designs [34], subspace designs [35,36], as well as designs on continuous topological spaces [37–39].
- Sharp configuration — Sharp configurations attain a universal bound expressed in terms of the minimal distance, the number of distances between codewords, and the strength of the design formed by the codewords.
- Orthogonal array (OA) — Orthogonal arrays are designs on Hamming space \(GF(q)^n\) (a.k.a. the Hamming association scheme) [5,12,41][11; Exam. 1]; see also Ref. [42].
- Subspace design — Subspace designs are designs on a space of fixed-weight \(q\)-ary strings (a.k.a. \(q\)-Johnson association scheme) [41].
- Spherical design — Spherical designs are designs on real or complex spheres.
- Kerdock code — Kerdock codes correspond to cluster states, and the corresponding Clifford-group automorphisms of this set form a particular group [43] that is a unitary two-design [44]. As such, cluster states form complex projective two-designs. These are useful in matrix-vector multiplication [45].
- Coherent-state constellation code — Coherent-state constellation codes consisting of points from a Gaussian quadrature rule can be concatenated with quantum polar codes to achieve the Gaussian coherent information of the thermal noise channel [46,47].
- Bosonic code — The notion of quantum state designs has been extended to states of a bosonic mode [48].
- Haar-random qubit code — Approximating the random projections through \(t\)-designs is necessary in order to make the protocol practical. Replacing with random Clifford gates is especially convenient since the Clifford group forms a unitary 2-design and produces stabilizer codes.
- Local Haar-random circuit qubit code — Local Haar-random circuits of polynomial depth form approximate unitary designs [49].
- Qubit stabilizer code — Stabilizer states on \(n\) qubits form complex projective 3-designs [50], while the Clifford group is a unitary 3-design [51,52].
- Modular-qudit stabilizer code — Stabilizer states on \(n\) prime-dimensional qubits form complex projective 2-designs [50], while the prime-qudit Clifford group is a unitary 2-design [53].
- Twisted \(1\)-group code — Twisted unitary \(t\)-groups [54] generalize the idea of unitary \(t\)-groups [55,56], which are subgroups of the unitary group that form unitary \(t\)-designs.
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Page edit log
- Victor V. Albert (2024-06-19) — most recent
- Greg Kuperberg (2024-06-19)
- Alexander Barg (2024-06-19)
Cite as:
“\(t\)-design”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024.