Kerdock code[1]
Binary nonlinear \((2^m, 2^{2m}, 2^{m-1} - 2^{(m-2)/2})\) for even \(m\) consisting of the first-order Reed-Muller code RM\((1,m)\) with maximum-rank cosets of RM\((1,m)\) in RM\((2,m)\).
The size of code book, \(|2^{m-1}||\text{RM}(1,m)|\), is twice the size of the largest possible linear code with the same length and distance. The relative minimum distance tends to \(\frac{1}{2}\) as \(m\) becomes large.
Let the matrices \(A = [a_{ij}]\) constitute the Kerdock set \(K\), i.e., a set of symmetric binary matrices with zero diagonal entries with the property that differences of distinct matrices in the set have full rank. Define Boolean functions of the form \(Q(X) + l(X) + b\), where \(Q(X) = \sum_{1 \leq i < j \leq m} a_{ij}X_{i}X_{j}\), the function \(l(X)\) is linear in \(m\) variables, and \(b\) is a bit. Codewords are formed as evaluations of these functions over \(GF(2)^{m}\) in the variable \(X \in GF(2)^{m}\).
The automorphism group of these codes is \(\Gamma A_{1}(\mathbb{F}_{2^{m-1}})\times\mathbb{F}_{2}\) [2].
- Delsarte-Goethals (DG) code — A Kerdock code of length \(2^m\) is equivalent to DG\((m,m/2)\) and is a subcode of DG\((m,r)\) [6; pg. 461].
- Nordstrom-Robinson (NR) code — The NR code is the smallest Kerdock code.
- Reed-Muller (RM) code — Kerdock code is a subcode of a second-order RM Code [6; pg. 457]. It consists of a number of cosets of RM\((2,m)\) created by quotienting with first-order RM\((1,m)\) codes.
- \([2^m,m+1,2^{m-1}]\) First-order RM code — Kerdock code is a subcode of a second-order RM Code [6; pg. 457]. It consists of a number of cosets of RM\((2,m)\) created by quotienting with first-order RM\((1,m)\) codes.
- Preparata code — Preparata codes are duals of Kerdock codes in that their distance distribution is equal to the MacWilliams transform of the distance distribution of Kerdock codes [7]. However, the two codes are images of a pair of mutually dual linear codes over \(\mathbb{Z}_4\) under the Gray map [8][9; Sec. 6.3].
- \([2^r-1,2^r-r-1,3]\) Hamming code — Kerdock codes can be obtained by Hensel-lifting Hamming codes to \(\mathbb{Z}_4\) [3].
- Cluster-state code — Kerdock codes correspond to cluster states, and the corresponding Clifford-group automorphisms of this set form a particular group [10] that is a unitary two-design [11]. As such, cluster states form complex projective two-designs. These are useful in matrix-vector multiplication [12].
- \(t\)-design — Kerdock codes correspond to cluster states, and the corresponding Clifford-group automorphisms of this set form a particular group [10] that is a unitary two-design [11]. As such, cluster states form complex projective two-designs. These are useful in matrix-vector multiplication [12].
- Universally optimal \(q\)-ary code — Kerdock codes are asymptotically universally optimal [9; Exam. 12.3.25].
- 24-cell code — The 24-cell is a special case of a family of codes for real projective planes, constructed using Kerdock codes [13] (cf. [14]).
- Quaternary RM (QRM) code — The image of the Kerdock code under the Gray map yields the QRM\((1,m)\) code [4; Thm. 19].
- Gray code — The image of the Kerdock code under the Gray map yields the QRM\((1,m)\) code [4; Thm. 19].
- Frameproof (FP) code — Kerdock codes of sufficient order are separating [15,16].
- Kerdock spherical code — Kerdock spherical codes can be obtained from Kerdock codes using the antipodal mapping [17; pg. 157].
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Page edit log
- Victor V. Albert (2023-11-22) — most recent
- Shuubham Ojha (2023-11-22)
Cite as:
“Kerdock code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023.