A matrix-based code \(C_A \otimes C_B\) constructed out of two linear binary or \(q\)-ary codes \(C_A,C_B\) in an outer-product construction. Its dual is sometimes called the check-product code, denoted as \(C_{A}\boxplus C_{B}\).
Codewords are those matrices whose column vectors are in \(C_A=[n_A,k_A,d_A]\) and whose row vectors are in \(C_B=[n_B,k_B,d_B]\). Codewords \(c\) of a tensor code satisfy the parity check equation \(H_A c H^{\text{T}}_B = 0\).
A check-product code forms the matrix subspace dual to its corresponding tensor-product code, \begin{align} \label{eq:dual-tensor} C_{A}\boxplus C_{B}=C_A \otimes GF(2)^{n_B} + GF(2)^{n_A} \otimes C_B~. \tag*{(1)}\end{align} The parity-check matrix of this code is \(H_A \otimes H_B\), where \(H_{A,B}\) is the parity-check matrix of \(C_{A,B}\) [5; Lemma 3.3].
For linear codes \(C_A=[n_A,k_A,d_A]\) and \(C_B=[n_B,k_B,d_B]\), the resulting tensor code is \(C_A \otimes C_B=[n_A n_B,k_A k_B,d_A d_B]\). Tensor codes can be useful for protecting against burst errors [6,7].
Many (but not all [8]) tensor codes are robustly testable [9–11], a property useful for constructing LTCs [12], including a family of \(c^3\)-LTCs [13]. A property equivalent to robust testability is \(\kappa\)-product expansion [14]. For check-product codes, this property means that for every codeword \(c_1 + c_2 \in C_{A}\boxplus C_{B}\), split up according to (1), \begin{align} \kappa\left(\frac{\|c_{1}\|_{A}}{n_{A}}+\frac{\|c_{2}\|_{B}}{n_{B}}\right)\leq\frac{|c_{1}+c_{2}|}{n_{A}n_{B}}~, \tag*{(2)}\end{align} where \(\|c_{1}\|_{A}\) (\(\|c_{2}\|_{B}\)) is the number of nonzero columns (rows) in \(c_1\) (\(c_2\)).
Check-product codes formed by two random linear codes are robustly testable [15; Thm. 1], a property useful for constructing asymptotically good QLDPC codes [15,16] and proving distance bounds [17].
Rate of the tensor-product code \(C_A \otimes C_B\) is a product of the rates of the codes \(C_A\) and \(C_B\).Decoding
The simple decoding algorithm (first decode all columns with \(C_1\), then all rows with \(C_2\)) corrects up to \((d_A d_B-1)/4 \) errors.Algorithms such as generalized minimum-distance decoding [18] or the min-sum algorithm can decode all errors of weight up to \((d_A d_B-1)/2\). Error location may be coupled with Viterbi decoding for every faulty sub-block [19].Realizations
Construction can be used in magnetic recording by taking the tensor product of an RS code and a parity-check code [19].Notes
See Refs. [21,22][20; Ch. 18] for expositions.Cousins
- Left-right Cayley complex code— Left-right Cayley complex codewords for a fixed graph vertex are codewords of a tensor code.
- Low-density parity-check (LDPC) code— Tensor products of random LDPC codes are robustly testable [10,11].
- Reed-Solomon (RS) code— Tensor codes constructed from RS codes are robustly testable [23].
- Parity-check tensor-product code— Tensor-product codewords (parity-check tensor-product parity-check matrices) are constructed via an outer product of the underlying codes (parity-check matrices).
- Classical-product code— Tensor-product codes are utilized in classical-product code constructions.
- Dinur-Hsieh-Lin-Vidick (DHLV) code— Tensor codes are used in constructing quantum DHLV codes.
- Quantum check-product code— Quantum check-product codes extend the concept of a check product, which yields the dual of a tensor code, to a product between a classical and a quantum code.
- Quantum Tanner code— Tensor codes are used in constructing quantum Tanner codes.
- Quantum tensor-product code
Primary Hierarchy
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Page edit log
- Victor V. Albert (2022-08-09) — most recent
- Shashank Sule (2022-04-21)
Cite as:
“Tensor-product code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.