Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem (BCH) code[1]
Cyclic \(q\)-ary code, with \(n\) and \(q\) relatively prime, whose zeroes are consecutive powers of a primitive \(n\)th root of unity \(\alpha\). More precisely, the generator polynomial of a BCH code of designed distance \(\delta\geq 1\) is the lowest-degree monic polynomial with zeroes \(\{\alpha^b,\alpha^{b+1},\cdots,\alpha^{b+\delta-2}\}\) for some \(b\geq 0\). BCH codes are called narrow-sense when \(b=1\), and are called primitive when \(n=q^r-1\) for some \(r\geq 2\). More general BCH codes can be defined for zeroes are powers of the form \(\{b,b+s,b+2s,\cdots,b+(\delta-2)s\}\) where gcd\((s,n)=1\).
The code dimension is related to the multiplicative order of \(q\) modulo \(n\), i.e., the smallest integer \(m\) such that \(n\) divides \(q^m-1\). The dimension of a BCH code is at least \(n-m(\delta-1)\). The field \(GF(q^m)\) is the smallest field containing the above root of unity \(\alpha\), and is the splitting field of the polynomial \(x^n-1\) (see Cyclic-to-polynomial correspondence).
- Chien-Choy generalized BCH (GBCH) code — \(q\)-ary BCH codes are a special case of GBCH codes [2; Ch. 12].
- Cyclic linear \(q\)-ary code
- Twisted BCH code — Twisted BCH codes are obtained from \(q\)-ary BCH codes via various lengthening and extension procedures.
- Binary BCH code
- Narrow-sense RS code — Narrow-sense RS codes are \(q\)-ary BCH codes [18; Remark 15.3.21][15; Thms. 5.2.1 and 5.2.3]. Their minimal distance is equal to their designed distance [19; pg. 81].
- Primitive narrow-sense BCH code — BCH codes are called narrow-sense when \(b=1\), and are called primitive when \(n=q^r-1\) for some \(r\geq 2\).
- Reed-Solomon (RS) code — BCH codes are subfield subcodes of RS codes.
- \(q\)-ary linear LTC — Duals of BCH codes are locally testable [20].
- Justesen code — Using more general BCH codes instead of RS codes can improve the parameters of the Justesen codes [21].
- Reed-Solomon (RS) code — An RS code can be represented as a union of cosets, with each coset being an interleaver of several binary BCH codes [22].
- Qubit BCH code — BCH codes are used to construct qubit BCH codes via the CSS construction or the Hermitian construction.
- Subsystem qubit stabilizer code — BCH codes yield subsystem stabilizer codes via the subsystem extension of the Hermitian construction to subsystem codes [23; Exam. 1].
- Galois-qudit BCH code
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Page edit log
- Victor V. Albert (2022-07-13) — most recent
- Muhammad Junaid Aftab (2022-04-21)
Cite as:
“Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem (BCH) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.