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Rotated surface code[14]

Alternative names: Checkerboard code, Medial surface code, Rectified surface code.


Variant of the surface code defined on a square lattice that has been rotated 45 degrees such that qubits are on vertices, and both \(X\)- and \(Z\)-type check operators occupy plaquettes in an alternating checkerboard pattern.

Stabilizer generators for this code are shown in Figure I.

Figure I: Stabilizer generators of a 2D rotated surface code with open boundaries. The generators are weight-four (four-body) operators on the corners of squares in the bulk and weight-two (two-body) operators on the boundaries. Red regions correspond to \(X\) operators while blue regions to \(Z\) operators.


The \([[L^2,1,L]]\) planar rotated surface code variant [1] includes the \([[9,1,3]]\) surface-17 code, named as such because 8 ancilla qubits are used for check operator measurements alongside the 9 physical qubits. The \([[L^2,2,L]]\) rotated toric code includes the \([[4,2,2]]\) code as its smallest example.


Only certain syndrome extraction schedules are distance-preserving [4].Local neural-network using 3D convolutions, combined with a separate global decoder [5].Iterative CNOT decoder [6].Fault-tolerant BP (FTBP) decoder [7].

Fault Tolerance

A particular choice of CNOT gates during syndrome extraction is required to avoid hook errors and be fault-tolerant to syndrome qubit errors [4,8,9].


Thresholds for various amounts of erasure, Pauli, correlated, and measurement noise are known [10,11].


  • Hypergraph product (HGP) code— Rotated code can be obtained from hypergraph product of two cyclic binary cyclic codes with palindromic generator polynomial ([3], Exam. 7).
  • Heavy-hexagon code— A rotated surface code can be mapped onto a heavy square lattice, resulting in a code similar to the heavy-hexagon code [12].
  • Concatenated cat code— Cat codes have been concatenated with rotated surface codes [13].
  • GKP-surface code— GKP codes have been concatenated with rotated surface codes [1418].
  • Tensor-network code— A tensor-network based modification of the rotated surface code improves performance against depolarizing noise by \(\approx 2\%\) [19].
  • Ball-Verstraete-Cirac (BVC) code— An appropriately chosen stabilizer generator set for the BVC code contains the stabilizers of the rotated surface code [20].
  • 3D surface code— There exists a rotated version of the 3D surface code, akin to the (2D) rotated surface code [21].
  • XZZX surface code— The XZZX code is obtained from the rotated surface code by applying Hadamard gates on a subset of qubits such that \(XXXX\) and \(ZZZZ\) generators are both mapped to \(XZXZ\). Both rotated and XZZX codes offer improved performance over the original surface code for biased noise [22].
  • Compass code— The surface-density compass code family interpolates between Bacon-Shor codes and rotated surface codes.
  • Subsystem rotated surface code

Primary Hierarchy

The lattice of the rotated surface code can be obtained by taking the medial graph of the surface code lattice (treated as a graph) and applying a similar procedure to construct the check operators [1,23][24; Fig. 8]. Applying the quantum Tanner transformation to the surface code yields the rotated surface code [25,26]. The rotated surface code presents certain savings over the original surface code [27].
Applying the quantum Tanner transformation to the surface code yields the rotated surface code [25,26].
Hierarchical codes are concatenations of constant-rate QLDPC codes with rotated surface codes.
Yoked surface codes are concatenations of QMDPC codes with rotated surface codes.
Rotated surface code
The \([[4,2,2]]\) code is the smallest rotated toric code. The subcodes \(\{|\overline{10}\rangle,|\overline{11}\rangle\}\) [28], \(\{|\overline{00}\rangle,|\overline{10}\rangle\}\) [29], \(\{|\overline{00}\rangle,|\overline{01}\rangle\}\) [30], and \(\{|\overline{00}\rangle,|\overline{11}\rangle\}\) [31] are small planar rotated surface codes.


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Zoo Code ID: rotated_surface

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“Rotated surface code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/rotated_surface
@incollection{eczoo_rotated_surface, title={Rotated surface code}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2024}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/rotated_surface} }
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“Rotated surface code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/rotated_surface

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