Here is a list of codes related to single-shot codes.
Code | Description |
3D subsystem color code | A subsystem version of the 3D color code. |
3D subsystem surface code | Subsystem generalization of the surface code on a 3D cubic lattice with gauge-group generators of weight at most three. |
Generalized bicycle (GB) code | A quasi-cyclic Galois-qudit CSS code constructed using a generalized version of the bicycle ansatz [1] from a pair of equivalent index-two quasi-cyclic linear codes. Equivalently, the codes can constructed via the lifted-product construction for \(G\) being a cyclic group [2; Sec. III.E]. |
Homological product code | CSS code formulated using the tensor product of two chain complexes of length one or greater (see Qubit CSS-to-homology correspondence). |
Hyperbolic surface code | An extension of the Kitaev surface code construction to hyperbolic manifolds. Given a cellulation of a manifold, qubits are put on \(i\)-dimensional faces, \(X\)-type stabilizers are associated with \((i-1)\)-faces, while \(Z\)-type stabilizers are associated with \(i+1\)-faces. |
Hypergraph product (HGP) code | A member of a family of CSS codes whose stabilizer generator matrix is obtained from a hypergraph product of two classical linear binary codes. Codes from hypergraph products in higher dimension are called higher-dimensional HGP codes [3]. |
Loop toric code | A generalization of the Kitaev surface code defined on a 4D lattice. The code is called a \((2,2)\) toric code because it admits 2D membrane \(Z\)-type and \(X\)-type logical operators. Both types of operators create 1D (i.e., loop) excitations at their edges. The code serves as a self-correcting quantum memory [4,5]. |
Quantum LDPC (QLDPC) code | Member of a family of \([[n,k,d]]\) stabilizer codes for which the number of sites participating in each stabilizer generator and the number of stabilizer generators that each site participates in are both bounded by a constant \(w\) as \(n\to\infty\); can be denoted by \([[n,k,d,w]]\). Sometimes, the two parameters are explicitly stated: each site of an an \((l,w)\)-regular QLDPC code is acted on by \(\leq l\) generators of weight \(\leq w\). QLDPC codes can correct many stochastic errors far beyond the distance, which may not scale as favorably. Together with more accurate, faster, and easier-to-parallelize measurements than those of general stabilizer codes, this property makes QLDPC codes interesting in practice. |
Quantum Tanner code | Member of a family of QLDPC codes based on two compatible classical Tanner codes defined on a two-dimensional Cayley complex, a complex constructed from Cayley graphs of groups. For certain choices of codes and complex, the resulting codes have asymptotically good parameters. This construction has been generalized to Schreier graphs [6]. |
Quantum data-syndrome (QDS) code | Stabilizer code designed to correct both data qubit errors and syndrome measurement errors simultaneously due to extra redundancy in its stabilizer generators. |
Quantum expander code | CSS code constructed from a hypergraph product of bipartite expander graphs [7] with bounded left and right vertex degrees. For every bipartite graph there is an associated matrix (the parity check matrix) with columns indexed by the left vertices, rows indexed by the right vertices, and 1 entries whenever a left and right vertex are connected. This matrix can serve as the parity check matrix of a classical code. Two bipartite expander graphs can be used to construct a quantum CSS code (the quantum expander code) by using the parity check matrix of one as \(X\) checks, and the parity check matrix of the other as \(Z\) checks. |
Qubit stabilizer code | An \(((n,2^k,d))\) qubit stabilizer code is denoted as \([[n,k]]\) or \([[n,k,d]]\), where \(d\) is the code's distance. Logical subspace is the joint eigenspace of commuting Pauli operators forming the code's stabilizer group \(\mathsf{S}\). Traditionally, the logical subspace is the joint \(+1\) eigenspace of a set of \(2^{n-k}\) commuting Pauli operators which do not contain \(-I\). The distance is the minimum weight of a Pauli string that implements a nontrivial logical operation in the code. |
Rotated surface code | Variant of the surface code defined on a square lattice that has been rotated 45 degrees such that qubits are on vertices, and both \(X\)- and \(Z\)-type check operators occupy plaquettes in an alternating checkerboard pattern. |
Self-correcting quantum code | A block quantum code that forms the ground-state subspace of an \(n\)-body geometrically local Hamiltonian whose logical information is recoverable for arbitrary long times in the \(n\to\infty\) limit after interaction with a sufficiently cold thermal environment. Typically, one also requires a decoder whose decoding time scales polynomially with \(n\) and a finite energy density. The original criteria for a self-correcting quantum memory, informally known as the Caltech rules [8,9], also required finite-spin Hamiltonians. |
Single-shot code | Block quantum qudit code whose error-syndrome weights increase linearly with the distance of the error state to the code space. |
\([[4,2,2]]\) Four-qubit code | Four-qubit CSS stabilizer code is the smallest qubit stabilizer code to detect a single-qubit error. |
\([[5,1,2]]\) rotated surface code | Rotated surface code on one rung of a ladder, with one qubit on the rung, and four qubits surrounding it. |
\([[9,1,3]]\) Surface-17 code | A \([[9,1,3]]\) rotated surface code named for the sum of its 9 data qubits and 8 syndrome qubits. It uses the smallest number of qubits to perform fault-tolerant error correction on a surface code with parallel syndrome extraction. |
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