Hypergraph product (HGP) code[13] 

Also known as Quantum hypergraph (QHG) code, Tillich-Zemor product code.


A member of a family of CSS codes whose stabilizer generator matrix is obtained from a hypergraph product of two classical linear codes. Codes from hypergraph products in higher dimension are called higher-dimensional HGP codes [3].

More technically, the \(x\)- and \(Z\)-type stabilizer generator matrices of a hypergraph product code are, respectively, the boundary and coboundary operators of the 2-complex obtained from the tensor product of a chain complex and cochain complex corresponding to two classical linear binary linear seed codes. Let the two seed codes be \(C_i\) for \(i\in\{1,2\}\) with parameters \([n_i, k_i, d_i]\), defined as the kernel of \(r_i \times n_i\) check matrices \(H_i\) of rank \(n_i - k_i\). The hypergraph product yields two classical codes \(C_{X,Z}\) with parity-check matrices \begin{align} H_{X}&=\begin{pmatrix}H_{1}\otimes I_{n_{2}} & \,\,I_{r_{1}}\otimes H_{2}^{T}\end{pmatrix}\tag*{(1)}\\ H_{Z}&=\begin{pmatrix}I_{n_{1}}\otimes H_{2} & \,\,H_{1}^{T}\otimes I_{r_{2}}\end{pmatrix}~, \tag*{(2)}\end{align} where \(I_m\) is the \(m\)-dimensional identity matrix. These two codes then yield a hypergraph product code via the CSS construction.

In general, the stabilizer generator matrices of an \(m\)-dimensional hypergraph product code are the boundary and co-boundary operators of a 2-dimensional chain complex contained within an \(m\)-complex that is recursively constructed by taking the tensor product of an \((m-1)\)-complex and a 1-complex, with the 1-complex corresponding to some classical linear code.


If \([n_i, k_i, d_i]\) (\([r_i, k^T_i, d^T_i]\)) are the parameters of the codes \(\mathrm{ker}H_i\) (\(\mathrm{ker}H_i^T\), taking (\(d=\infty\) if \(k=0\)), the hypergraph product has parameters \([[n_1 n_2 + r_1 r_2, k_1 k_2 + k_1^T k_2^T, \min(d_1, d_2, d_1^T, d_2^T)]]\)

Transversal Gates

Hadamard (up to logical SWAP gates) and control-\(Z\) on all logical qubits [4].Patch-transversal gates inherited from the automorphism group of the underlying classical codes [5; Appx. D].


Code deformation techniques yield Clifford gates [6].


Single-ancilla syndrome extraction circuits do not admit hook errors [7].ReShape decoder that uses minimum weight decoders for the classical codes used in the hypergraph construction [8].2D geometrically local syndrome extraction circuits with depth order \(O(\sqrt{n})\) using order \(O(n)\) ancilla qubits [9].Improved BP-OSD decoder [10].Erasure-correction can be implemented approximately with \(O(n^2)\) operations with quantum generalizations [11] of the peeling and pruned peeling decoders [12], with a probabilistic version running in \(O(n^{1.5})\) operations.Syndrome measurements are distance-preserving because syndrome extraction circuits can be designed to avoid hook errors [13].Generalization [14] of Viderman's algorithm for expander codes [15].

Fault Tolerance

Single-ancilla syndrome extraction circuits do not admit hook errors [7].

Code Capacity Threshold

Some thresholds were determined in Ref. [16].Bounds on code capacity thresholds using ML decoding can be obtained by mapping the effect of noise on the code to a statistical mechanical model [17]. For example, a threshold of \(7\%\) was obtained under independent \(X\) and \(Z\) noise for codes obtained from random \((3,4)\)-regular Gallager codes.


Circuit-level noise: \(0.1\%\) with all-to-all connected syndrome extraction circuits [9] and DiVincenzo-Aliferis syndrome extraction circuits [18] combined with non-local gates [19]. No threshold observed above physical noise rates at or above \(10^{-6}\) using 2D geometrically local syndrome extraction circuits.




  • Locally testable code (LTC) — Applying the hypergraph product to an LTC yields a code which provides an explicit example of No Low-Error Trivial States (NLETS) [24].
  • XYZ product code — Hypergraph (XYZ) product codes are constructed out of hypergraph products of two (three) classical linear codes.
  • Linear binary code — Hypergraph product codes are constructed out of two classical linear binary codes.
  • Single-shot code — Two-fold application of the hypergraph product to a pair of binary linear codes yields single-shot QLDPC codes that exploit redundancy in their stabilizer generators [25].
  • Self-correcting quantum code — There are bounds on the energy barrier of hypergraph product codes [26].
  • Quantum rainbow code — Hypergraph products of color codes yield quantum rainbow codes with growing distance and transversal gates in the Clifford hierarchy. In particular, utilizing this construction for quasi-hyperbolic color codes yields an \([[n,O(n),O(\log n)]]\) triorthogonal code family with magic-state yield parameter \(\gamma\to 0\) [27].
  • High-dimensional expander (HDX) code — Ramanujan codes utilize the hypergraph product with a twist, which is an automorphism on one of the complexes in the tensor product, in order to increase distance [28].
  • Rotated surface code — Rotated code can be obtained from hypergraph product of two cyclic binary cyclic codes with palindromic generator polynomial ([2], Ex. 7).
  • Fractal surface code — The fractal product code is a hypergraph product of two classical codes defined on a Sierpinski carpet graph [29].
  • Subsystem homological product code — SP codes are projected higher-dimensional HGP codes [30].
  • Subsystem hypergraph product (SHP) code — Two SHP codes can be gauge-fixed to yield an HGP code [31; Sec. III]. The SHP and HGP code constructions yield the same dimension and minimum distance, but the former does not yield QLDPC codes; see [1; pg. 18].
  • Generalized bicycle (GB) code — An arbitrary qubit GB code of length \(2\ell\) is equivalent [32] to a rotated quantum hypergraph-product code with periodicity vectors \(\vec{L}_{1}\) and \(\vec{L}_{2}\) such that \(\lvert{\vec{L}_{1}\times\vec{L}_{2}\rvert=\ell}\).


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“Hypergraph product (HGP) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/hypergraph_product
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