Here is a list of codes related to self-correcting quantum memories.
Code | Description |
2D lattice stabilizer code | Lattice stabilizer code in two spatial dimensions. |
3D lattice stabilizer code | Lattice stabilizer code in three spatial dimensions. Qubit codes are conjectured to admit either fracton phases or abelian topological phases that are equivalent to multiple copies of the 3D surface code and/or the 3D fermionic surface code via a local constant-depth Clifford circuit [1]. |
3D subsystem surface code | Subsystem generalization of the surface code on a 3D cubic lattice with gauge-group generators of weight at most three. |
3D surface code | A generalization of the Kitaev surface code defined on a 3D lattice. |
Bacon-Shor code | Subsystem CSS code defined on an \(m_1 \times m_2\) lattice of qubits that generalizes the \([[9,1,3]]\) (subspace) Shor code. It is said to be symmetric when \(m_1=m_2\), and asymmetric otherwise. |
Color code | Member of a family of qubit CSS codes defined on particular \(D\)-dimensional graphs. |
Concatenated cat code | A concatenated code whose outer code is a cat code. In other words, a qubit code that can be thought of as a concatenation of an arbitrary inner code and another cat outer code. Most examples encode physical qubits of an inner stabilizer code into the two-component cat code. |
Cubic theory code | A geometrically local commuting-projector code defined on triangulations of lattices in arbitrary spatial dimensions. Its code Hamiltonian terms include Pauli-\(Z\) operators and products of Pauli-\(X\) operators and \(CZ\) gates. The Hamiltonian realizes higher-form \(\mathbb{Z}_2^3\) gauge theories whose excitations obey non-Abelian Ising-like fusion rules. |
Expander code | LDPC code whose parity-check matrix is derived from the adjacency matrix of bipartite expander graph [2] such as a Ramanujan graph or a Cayley graph of a projective special linear group over a finite field [3,4]. Expander codes admit efficient encoding and decoding algorithms and yield an explicit (i.e., non-random) asymptotically good LDPC code family. |
Fractal surface code | Kitaev surface code on a fractal geometry, which is obtained by removing qubits from the surface code on a cubic lattice. A related construction, the fractal product code, is a hypergraph product of two classical codes defined on a Sierpinski carpet graph [5]. The underlying classical codes form classical self-correcting memories [6–8]. |
Haah cubic code (CC) | A 3D lattice stabilizer code on a length-\(L\) cubic lattice with one or two qubits per site. Admits two types of stabilizer generators with support on each cube of the lattice. In the non-CSS case, these two are related by spatial inversion. For CSS codes, we require that the product of all corner operators is the identity. We lastly require that there are no non-trival string operators, meaning that single-site operators are a phase, and any period one logical operator \(l \in \mathsf{S}^{\perp}\) is just a phase. |
Hypergraph product (HGP) code | A member of a family of CSS codes whose stabilizer generator matrix is obtained from a hypergraph product of two classical linear codes. Codes from hypergraph products in higher dimension are called higher-dimensional HGP codes [9]. |
Kitaev surface code | A family of Abelian topological CSS stabilizer codes whose generators are few-body \(X\)-type and \(Z\)-type Pauli strings associated to the stars and plaquettes, respectively, of a cellulation of a two-dimensional surface (with a qubit located at each edge of the cellulation). Codewords correspond to ground states of the surface code Hamiltonian, and error operators create or annihilate pairs of anyonic charges or vortices. |
Layer code | Member of a family of 3D lattice CSS codes with stabilizer generator weights \(\leq 6\) that are obtained by coupling layers of 2D surface code according to the Tanner graph of a QLDPC code. Geometric locality is maintained because, instead of being concatenated, each pair of parallel surface-code squares are fused (or quasi-concatenated) with perpendicular surface-code squares via lattice surgery. |
Loop toric code | A generalization of the Kitaev surface code defined on a 4D lattice. The code is called a \((2,2)\) toric code because it admits 2D membrane \(Z\)-type and \(X\)-type logical operators. Both types of operators create 1D (i.e., loop) excitations at their edges. The code serves as a self-correcting quantum memory [10,11]. |
Matrix-model code | Multimode-mode Fock-state bosonic approximate code derived from a matrix model, i.e., a non-Abelian bosonic gauge theory with a large gauge group. The model's degrees of freedom are matrix-valued bosons \(a\), each consisting of \(N^2\) harmonic oscillator modes and subject to an \(SU(N)\) gauge symmetry. |
Quantum expander code | CSS codes constructed from a hypergraph product of bipartite expander graphs [2] with bounded left and right vertex degrees. For every bipartite graph there is an associated matrix (the parity check matrix) with columns indexed by the left vertices, rows indexed by the right vertices, and 1 entries whenever a left and right vertex are connected. This matrix can serve as the parity check matrix of a classical code. Two bipartite expander graphs can be used to construct a quantum CSS code (the quantum expander code) by using the parity check matrix of one as \(X\) checks, and the parity check matrix of the other as \(Z\) checks. |
Quantum locally testable code (QLTC) | A local commuting-projector Hamiltonian-based block quantum code which has a nonzero average-energy penalty for creating large errors. Informally, QLTC error states that are far away from the codespace have to be excited states by a number of the code's local projectors that scales linearly with \(n\). |
Quantum repetition code | Encodes \(1\) qubit into \(n\) qubits according to \(|0\rangle\to|\phi_0\rangle^{\otimes n}\) and \(|1\rangle\to|\phi_1\rangle^{\otimes n}\). The code is called a bit-flip code when \(|\phi_i\rangle = |i\rangle\), and a phase-flip code when \(|\phi_0\rangle = |+\rangle\) and \(|\phi_1\rangle = |-\rangle\). |
Repetition code | \([n,1,n]\) binary linear code encoding one bit of information into an \(n\)-bit string. The length \(n\) needs to be an odd number, since the receiver will pick the majority to recover the information. The idea is to increase the code distance by repeating the logical information several times. It is a \((n,1)\)-Hamming code. Its automorphism group is \(S_n\). |
Self-correcting quantum code | A block quantum code that forms the ground-state subspace of an \(n\)-body geometrically local Hamiltonian whose logical information is recoverable for arbitrary long times in the \(n\to\infty\) limit after interaction with a sufficiently cold thermal environment. Typically, one also requires a decoder whose decoding time scales polynomially with \(n\) and a finite energy density. The original criteria for a self-correcting quantum memory, informally known as the Caltech rules [5,12], also required finite-spin Hamiltonians. |
Single-shot code | Block quantum qudit code whose error-syndrome weights increase linearly with the distance of the error state to the code space. |
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