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Commuting-projector Hamiltonian code


Hamiltonian-based code whose Hamiltonian terms can be expressed as orthogonal projectors (i.e., Hermitian operators with eigenvalues 0 or 1) that commute with each other.


Geometrically local commuting-projector code Hamiltonians on Euclidean manifolds are stable with respect to small perturbations when they satisfy the TQO conditions, meaning that a notion of a phase can be defined [15]. This notion can be extended to semi-hyperbolic manifolds [6] and non-geometrically local QLDPC codes exhibiting check soundness [7] (see also [8]). Hamiltonians satisfying a Peierls condition are stable to off-diagonal perturbations [9].

2D topological order on qubit manifolds requires weight-four (four-body) Hamiltonian terms, i.e., it cannot be stabilized via weight-two (two-body) or weight-three (three-body) terms on nearly Euclidean geometries of qubits or qutrits [1012].

Ground-state spaces of commuting-projector Hamiltonians with weight-two (two-body) terms cannot be used to suppress errors in adiabatic quantum computation [13], but this can be circumvented with excited-state subspaces [14] or ground-state subspaces of subsystem code Hamiltonians, e.g., using BBS codes [15,16]. No eigenspace of a weight-two commuting-projector Hamiltonian can simultaneously have \(d > 2\) and dimension greater than 1 [14].


  • Topological code— Geometrically local commuting-projector code Hamiltonians on Euclidean manifolds are stable with respect to small perturbations when they satisfy the TQO conditions, meaning that a notion of a phase can be defined [15]. This notion can be extended to semi-hyperbolic manifolds [6] and non-geometrically local QLDPC codes exhibiting check soundness [7] (see also [8]). Hamiltonians admitting a Peierls condition are stable to off-diagonal perturbations [9].
  • Subsystem qubit stabilizer code— Ground-state spaces of commuting-projector Hamiltonians with weight-two (two-body) terms cannot be used to suppress errors in adiabatic quantum computation [13], but this can be circumvented with excited-state subspaces [14] or ground-state subspaces of subsystem code Hamiltonians, e.g., using BBS codes [15,16].
  • Bravyi-Bacon-Shor (BBS) code— Ground-state spaces of commuting-projector Hamiltonians with weight-two (two-body) terms cannot be used to suppress errors in adiabatic quantum computation [13], but this can be circumvented with excited-state subspaces [14] or ground-state subspaces of subsystem code Hamiltonians, e.g., using BBS codes [15,16].
  • Linear binary code— Parity-check constraints defining a binary linear code can be encoded into a classical Ising model Hamiltonian, a commuting-projector model whose terms contain produts of Pauli \(Z\) matrices participating in each parity check. Such Ising models are also frustration-free since the codewords satisfy all parity checks.
  • Classical fractal liquid code— Classical fractal liquid codewords form the ground-state space of a class of exactly solvable spin-glass Ising models with three-body interactions.
  • Frustration-free Hamiltonian code— Frustration-free Hamiltonians can contain non-commuting projectors; an example is the AKLT model [17]. On the other hand, commuting-projector Hamiltonians can be frustrated; an example is the 1D classical Ising model on a circle for odd \(n\) with one two-body interaction having the opposite sign.
  • Quantum LDPC (QLDPC) code— Qubit QLDPC codes with check soundness, meaning that every weight-\(m\) stabilizer can be written as a product of order \(O(m)\) stabilizer generators, are robust against few-body perturbations. This means that phases of matter can be defined from certain non-geometrically local QLDPC code Hamiltonians [7].

Primary Hierarchy

Geometrically local commuting-projector code Hamiltonians on Euclidean manifolds are stable with respect to small perturbations when they satisfy the TQO conditions, meaning that a notion of a phase can be defined [15]. This notion can be extended to semi-hyperbolic manifolds [6] and non-geometrically local QLDPC codes exhibiting check soundness [7] (see also [8]). Hamiltonians admitting a Peierls condition are stable to off-diagonal perturbations [9].
Commuting-projector Hamiltonian code
Two-gauge theory codewords form ground-state subspaces of frustration-free commuting projector Hamiltonians.
Multi-fusion string-net codes form eigenspaces of frustration-free commuting projector Hamiltonians.
\(G\)-enriched Walker-Wang model codewords form ground-state subspaces of frustration-free commuting projector Hamiltonians.
Quantum LTC codespaces are ground-state spaces of \(u\)-local frustration-free commuting-projector Hamiltonians.
Codespace is the ground-state space of the code Hamiltonian, which consists of an equal linear combination of stabilizer generators and which can be made into a frustration-free commuting-projector Hamiltonian.
The codespace of the quantum repetition code is the ground-state space of a frustration-free classical Ising model with nearest-neighbor interactions.


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Zoo Code ID: commuting_projector

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“Commuting-projector Hamiltonian code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/commuting_projector
@incollection{eczoo_commuting_projector, title={Commuting-projector Hamiltonian code}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2023}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/commuting_projector} }
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“Commuting-projector Hamiltonian code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/commuting_projector

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