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Spherical sharp configuration[14]


A spherical code that is a spherical design of strength \(2m-1\) for some \(m\) and that has \(m\) distances between distinct points. All known spherical sharp configrations are either obtained from the Leech or \(E_8\) lattice, certain regular polytopes, or are CGS isotropic subspace spherical codes [5; Table 1].


Primary Hierarchy

All sharp configurations are universally optimal [4], but not all universally optimal spherical codes are sharp configurations. The one known exception is the 600-cell.
Spherical sharp configurations are spherical designs of strength \(2m-1\) for some \(m\).
Spherical sharp configuration
The icosahedron is a sharp configuration [4,11].
The \(3_{21}\) polytope code is a sharp configuration [4,12].
The Witting polytope code is a sharp configuration [4,12].
CGS isotropic subspace codes are the only known spherical sharp configrations not derived from regular polytopes or lattices [4].


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V. I. Levenshtein, “Designs as maximum codes in polynomial metric spaces”, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 29, 1 (1992) DOI
H. Cohn and A. Kumar, “Universally optimal distribution of points on spheres”, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 20, 99 (2006) arXiv:math/0607446 DOI
H. Cohn, “Packing, coding, and ground states”, (2016) arXiv:1603.05202
Andreev, N. N. Location of points on a sphere with minimal energy. (Russian) Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova 219 (1997), Teor. Priblizh. Garmon. Anal., 27–31; translation in Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 1997, no. 4(219), 20–24
E. Bannai and N. J. A. Sloane, “Uniqueness of Certain Spherical Codes”, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 33, 437 (1981) DOI
R. A. Wilson, “Vector stabilizers and subgroups of Leech lattice groups”, Journal of Algebra 127, 387 (1989) DOI
H. Cohn and A. Kumar, “Uniqueness of the (22,891,1/4) spherical code”, (2007) arXiv:math/0607448
B. Ballinger, G. Blekherman, H. Cohn, N. Giansiracusa, E. Kelly, and A. Schürmann, “Experimental Study of Energy-Minimizing Point Configurations on Spheres”, Experimental Mathematics 18, 257 (2009) arXiv:math/0611451 DOI
Andreev, Nikolay N. "An extremal property of the icosahedron." East J. Approx 2.4 (1996): 459-462.
A. V. KOLUSHOV and V. A. YUDIN, “On Korkin-Zolotarev’s construction”, Discrete Mathematics and Applications 4, (1994) DOI
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Cite as:
“Spherical sharp configuration”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/sharp_config
@incollection{eczoo_sharp_config, title={Spherical sharp configuration}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2023}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/sharp_config} }
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“Spherical sharp configuration”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/sharp_config

Github: https://github.com/errorcorrectionzoo/eczoo_data/edit/main/codes/classical/spherical/sharp_config/sharp_config.yml.