A \((10,40,1/6)\) spherical code found by W. D. Smith [1] and conjectured to be optimal in terms of minimizing potential energy functions [2]. A beautified set of coordinates can be found on the site [1].Cousin
- Spherical sharp configuration— The Smith spherical code is conjectured to be a global minimum of completely monotonic potential functions [2].
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Smith \(40\)-point code
- [1]
- Sloane, N. J. A., R. H. Hardin, and W. D. Smith. "Tables of spherical codes." collaboration with R. H. Hardin, W. D. Smith and others. Published electronically at (2004).
- [2]
- B. Ballinger, G. Blekherman, H. Cohn, N. Giansiracusa, E. Kelly, and A. Schürmann, “Experimental Study of Energy-Minimizing Point Configurations on Spheres”, Experimental Mathematics 18, 257 (2009) arXiv:math/0611451 DOI
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- Victor V. Albert (2023-02-23) — most recent
Cite as:
“Smith \(40\)-point code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023.