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Codeword stabilized (CWS) code[1,2]


A code defined using a cluster state and a set of \(Z\)-type Pauli strings defined by a binary classical code.

The CWS construction takes in \( \mathcal{Q} = (\mathcal{G},\mathcal{C}) \), where \(\mathcal{G}\) is a graph, and where \(\mathcal{C}\) is an \((n,K,d)\) binary code. From the graph, we form the unique cluster state \( |\mathcal{G} \rangle \). From the binary code, we form Pauli \(Z\)-type operators \( W_i = Z^{c_{i,1}} \otimes \cdots \otimes Z^{c_{i,n}} \), where \(c_{i,j} \) is the \(j\)-th coordinate of the \(i\)-th classical codeword. The CWS codewords are then \( | i \rangle = W_i | \mathcal{G} \rangle \).

The above definition corresponds to the standard form of CWS codes. Since any stabilizer state is equivalent to a cluster state under a single-qubit Clifford circuit [3][4; Appx. A], any code whose underlying state is a non-cluster stabilizer state is similarly equivalent to a CWS code.

The term CWS was coined in Ref. [2], and their approach is equivalent to another approach [1] based on Boolean functions (see Ref. [5]). In an alternative convention (not used here), CWS codes are defined from an underlying stabilizer state that is not a necessarily a cluster state.


Code distance \(\mathcal{Q} = ( \mathcal{G},\mathcal{C}) \) is upper bounded by the distance of the classical code \(\mathcal{C} \). A CWS code is degenerate if and only if it is impure [6]. The pure distance is upper bounded by \(\delta + 1\), where \(\delta\) is the minimum degree of \(\mathcal{G}\) [7,8]. Some bounds on the distance are provided in Ref. [9].


If \( \mathcal{C} \) has an efficient classical encoder, then so does the CWS code \( \mathcal{Q} = (\mathcal{G},\mathcal{C}) \).Sequantial encoder related to MBQC [10].


There is no known efficient algorithm to decode non-additive (non-stabilizer) CWS codes.Clustered bounded-distance decoder [1113].Structured error recovery [6], which reduces to syndrome-based recovery for additive (i.e., stabilizer) CWS codes.


See Ref. [14] for an overview of CWS codes.


  • Cluster-state code— A single cluster-state codeword is used to construct a CWS code.
  • Movassagh-Ouyang Hamiltonian code— The Movassagh-Ouyang codes overlap the CWS codes but neither family is contained in the other [15].
  • Spacetime code (STC)— CWS codes have been considered in the context of spacetime replication of quantum data [16,17], while STCs are designed to replicate classical data.
  • Concatenated quantum code— CWS codes can be concatenated by applying generalized local complementation to their underlying graphs [18].
  • EA qubit code— EA CWS codes have been formulated [19].
  • XP stabilizer code— The orbit representatives of XP codes play a similar role to the word operators of CWS codes.
  • \([[4,2,2]]\) Four-qubit code— A \([[4,1,2]]\) subcode can be thought of as a CWS code [20].
  • Five-qubit perfect code— The five-qubit perfect code is equivalent via a single-qubit Clifford circuit to a CWS code defined from a five-cycle graph and a classical repetition code [2,21][9; Table I].
  • \([[7,1,3]]\) Steane code— The Steane code is equivalent via a single-qubit Clifford unitary to a CWS code for a particular graph and classical code [9; Exam. 4].
  • Qubit stabilizer code— CWS codes whose underlying classical code is a linear binary code are qubit stabilizer codes containing a cluster-state codeword [2,20]. Since any stabilizer state is equivalent to a cluster state under a single-qubit Clifford circuit [3][4; Appx. A], any stabilizer code is similarly equivalent to a CWS code.

Primary Hierarchy

Any CWS code can be written as a USt whose (\(K=1\)) stabilizer code is the cluster state and whose coset representatives are constructed from the binary classical code. Conversely, USt codes are equivalent to CWS codes via a single-qubit Clifford circuit as follows [11,13][14; Sec. 10.4]. The set of coset representatives of any USt can be extended to a larger set iterating over the underlying stabilizer code such that all codewords can be obtained from a single stabilizer state. Then, one can apply a single-qubit Clifford transformation to map said stabilizer state into a cluster state.
Modular-qudit CWS codes reduce to CWS codes for \(q=2\).
Galois-qudit CWS codes reduce to CWS codes for \(q=2\).
Codeword stabilized (CWS) code
The \(((5+2r,3\times 2^{2r+1},2))\) qubit code family is a CWS family whose graph state is the union of the ring and Bell-pair graphs [2,21].
SSW codes can be formulated as CWS codes [2,21].
The \(((10,24,3))\) qubit code is a CWS code [21].
The \(((9,12,3))\) qubit code is a cyclic CWS code [2,21].


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“Codeword stabilized (CWS) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/cws
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“Codeword stabilized (CWS) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2024. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/cws

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