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Extended IRA (eIRA) code[13]


A generalization of the IRA code in which the outer LDGM code is replaced by a random sparse matrix containing no weight-two columns.


M. Yang, Y. Li, andW.E. Ryan, Design of efficiently-encodable moderate-length high-rate irregular LDPC codes, Proc. 40th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Champaign, IL., pp. 1415–1424, October 2002.
M. Yang and W. E. Ryan, “Lowering the error-rate floors of moderate-length high-rate irregular ldpc codes”, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2003. Proceedings. (2003) DOI
M. Yang, W. E. Ryan, and Y. Li, “Design of Efficiently Encodable Moderate-Length High-Rate Irregular LDPC Codes”, IEEE Transactions on Communications 52, 564 (2004) DOI
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Zoo Code ID: extended_ira

Cite as:
“Extended IRA (eIRA) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/extended_ira
@incollection{eczoo_extended_ira, title={Extended IRA (eIRA) code}, booktitle={The Error Correction Zoo}, year={2023}, editor={Albert, Victor V. and Faist, Philippe}, url={https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/extended_ira} }
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Cite as:

“Extended IRA (eIRA) code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2023. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/extended_ira

Github: https://github.com/errorcorrectionzoo/eczoo_data/edit/main/codes/classical/bits/tanner/irregular/ra/extended_ira.yml.