Here is a list of quantum codes defined on a single subsystem.
Code | Description |
Binary dihedral PI code | Multi-qubit code designed to realize gates from the binary dihedral group transversally. Can also be interpreted as a single-spin code. The codespace projection is a projection onto an irrep of the binary dihedral group \( \mathsf{BD}_{2N} = \langle\omega I, X, P\rangle \) of order \(8N\), where \( \omega \) is a \( 2N \)th root of unity, and \( P = \text{diag} ( 1, \omega^2) \). |
Binomial code | Bosonic rotation codes designed to approximately protect against errors consisting of powers of raising and lowering operators up to some maximum power. Binomial codes can be thought of as spin-coherent states embedded into an oscillator [1]. |
Bosonic \(q\)-ary expansion | A one-to-one mapping between basis states on \(n\) prime-dimensional qudits (of dimension \(q=p\)) and the subspace of the first \(p^n\) single-mode Fock states. While this mapping offers a way to map qudits into a single mode, noise models for the two code families induce different notions of locality and thus qualitatively different physical interpretations [2]. |
Bosonic rotation code | A single-mode Fock-state bosonic code whose codespace is preserved by a phase-space rotation by a multiple of \(2\pi/N\) for some \(N\). The rotation symmetry ensures that encoded states have support only on every \(N^{\textrm{th}}\) Fock state. For example, single-mode Fock-state codes for \(N=2\) encoding a qubit admit basis states that are, respectively, supported on Fock state sets \(\{|0\rangle,|4\rangle,|8\rangle,\cdots\}\) and \(\{|2\rangle,|6\rangle,|10\rangle,\cdots\}\). |
Cat code | Rotation-symmetric bosonic Fock-state code encoding a \(q\)-dimensional qudit into one oscillator which utilizes a constellation of \(q(S+1)\) coherent states distributed equidistantly around a circle in phase space of radius \(\alpha\). |
Chebyshev code | Single-mode bosonic Fock-state code that can be used for error-corrected sensing of a signal Hamiltonian \({\hat n}^s\), where \({\hat n}\) is the occupation number operator. |
Clifford spin code | A single-spin code designed to realize a discrete group of gates using \(SU(2)\) rotations. Codewords are subspaces of a spin's Hilbert space that house irreducible representations (irreps) of a discrete subgroup of \(SU(2)\). |
Hexagonal GKP code | Single-mode GKP qudit-into-oscillator code based on the triangular lattice. Offers the best error correction against displacement noise in a single mode due to the optimal packing of the underlying lattice. |
Landau-level spin code | Approximate quantum code that encodes a qudit in the finite-dimensional Hilbert space of a single spin, i.e., a spherical Landau level. Codewords are approximately orthogonal Landau-level spin coherent states whose orientations are spaced maximally far apart along a great circle (equator) of the sphere. The larger the spin, the better the performance. |
Modular-qudit GKP code | Modular-qudit analogue of the GKP code. Encodes a qudit into a larger qudit and protects against Pauli shifts up to some maximum value. |
Modular-qudit shift-resistant code | Monolithic code encoding a qubit into a single modular qudit and protecting against either \(Z\)-type or \(X\)-type modular-qudit Pauli shifts. |
Molecular code | Encodes finite-dimensional Hilbert space into the Hilbert space of \(L^2\)-normalizable functions on the group \(SO_3\). Construction is based on nested subgroups \(H\subset K \subset SO_3\), where \(H,K\) are finite. The \(|K|/|H|\)-dimensional logical subspace is spanned by basis states that are equal superpositions of elements of cosets of \(H\) in \(K\). |
Monolithic quantum code | A code constructed in a single quantum system, i.e., a physical space that is not treated as a tensor product of \(n\) identical subsystems. Examples include codes in a single qudit, spin, oscillator, or molecule. |
Number-phase code | Bosonic rotation code consisting of superpositions of Pegg-Barnett phase states [3]. |
Rotor GKP code | GKP code protecting against small angular position and momentum shifts of a planar rotor. |
Single-mode bosonic code | Encodes \(K\)-dimensional Hilbert space into a single bosonic mode. A trivial single-mode code encoding a qubit into the first two Fock states \(\{|0\rangle,|1\rangle\}\) is called the single-rail encoding [4,5]. |
Single-spin code | An encoding into a monolithic (i.e. non-tensor-product) Hilbert space that houses an irreducible representation of \(SU(2)\) or, more generally, another Lie group. In some cases, this space can be thought of as the permutation invariant subspace of a particular tensor-product space. |
Spin GKP code | An analogue of the single-mode GKP code designed for atomic ensembles. Was designed by using the Holstein-Primakoff mapping [6] (see also [7]) to pull back the phase-space structure of a bosonic system to the compact phase space of a quantum spin. A different construction emerges depending on which particular expression for GKP codewords is pulled back. |
Spin cat code | An analogue of the two-component cat code designed for a large spin, which is often realized in the PI subspace of atomic ensembles. |
Square-lattice GKP code | Single-mode GKP qudit-into-oscillator CSS code based on the rectangular lattice. Its stabilizer generators are oscillator displacement operators \(\hat{S}_q(2\alpha)=e^{-2i\alpha \hat{p}}\) and \(\hat{S}_p(2\beta)=e^{2i\beta \hat{x}}\). To ensure \(\hat{S}_q(2\alpha)\) and \(\hat{S}_p(2\beta)\) generate a stabilizer group that is Abelian, there is a constraint that \(\alpha\beta=2q\pi\) where \(q\) is an integer denoting the logical dimension. |
Squeezed cat code | Two-component cat code whose two coherent states have been squeezed in a direction perpendicular to the segment formed by the two coherent state values \(\pm\alpha\). |
Squeezed fock-state code | Approximate bosonic code that encodes a qubit into the same Fock state, but one which is squeezed in opposite directions. |
Two-component cat code | Code whose codespace is spanned by two coherent states \(\left|\pm\alpha\right\rangle\) for nonzero complex \(\alpha\). |
\(((7,2,3))\) Pollatsek-Ruskai code | Seven-qubit PI code that realizes gates from the binary icosahedral group transversally. Can also be interpreted as a spin-\(7/2\) single-spin code. The codespace projection is a projection onto an irrep of the binary icosahedral group \(2I\). |
\(SU(3)\) spin code | An extension of Clifford single-spin codes to the group \(SU(3)\), whose codespace is a projection onto a particular irrep of a subgroup of \(SU(3)\) of an underlying spin that houses some particular irrep of \(SU(3)\). |
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