Hermitian code[1,2][3; Sec. 4.4.3]
Evaluation AG code of rational functions evaluated on points lying on a Hermitian curve in either affine or projective space. Hermitian codes improve over RS codes in length: that RS codes have length at most \(q+1\) while Hermitian codes have length \(q^3 + 1\).
Hermitian codes of polynomials of total degree at most \(D\) can come in affine and epicyclic flavours, depending on whether the evaluations are over the affine plane or the bicyclic plane. The affine codes have length \(q^3\), epicyclic codes have length \((q-2)(q+1)^2\), and projective coeds have length \(q^3+1\).
The affine-space equation defining a Hermitian curve over \(\mathbb{F}_q = GF(q)\) is \(H(x,y) = x^{q+1} + y^{q+1} - 1\), while the projective-space equation, or Fermat version, is \(H(x:y:z) = x^{q+1} + y^{q+1} - z^{q+1}\). Substituting \(u = x+z\), \(v = x+y\), and \(w = x+y+z \) yields \(H(x,y,z) = x^{q+1} - y^{q}z - yz^{q} \), the Stichtenoth version of the curve.
To define the codes, fix \(r, D\) and let \begin{align} M_D = \left\{f(x,y,z) = \sum_{i+j \leq D = D}a_{i,j}x^{i}y^{j}z^{D - (i+j)}\right\} \tag*{(1)}\end{align} be the message space of degree-\(D\) polynomials, and \begin{align} S = \{(x:y:z) \in PG(2,q) \mid H(x:y:z) = 0 \}~. \tag*{(2)}\end{align} The Hermitian code \( C \) over is \begin{align} C = \{(f(\alpha_i))_{\alpha_i \in S}, \: f \in M_D \}~. \tag*{(3)}\end{align}
In affine coordinates, the Stichtenoth form of the curve is \begin{align} f(x,y) = x^{q+1} - y^{q} - y = N(x) - \text{tr}(y)~, \tag*{(4)}\end{align} where \(N(x) := x^{(q^{n}-1)/(q-1)}\) and \(\text{tr} := 1 + x^{q} + \ldots + x^{q^n}\) are the field norm and field trace in \(\mathbb{F}_{q^n}\), respectively. The Fermat version can be written as \(H(u,v,w) = u\overline{u} + v\overline{v} - w\overline{w}\), where the conjugation map \(\overline{u} = u^{q}\) is an isomorphism of \(\mathbb{F}_q \). In fact, when the field of evaluations \(\mathbb{F}_{q^2}\) is viewed as a quadratic extension of \(\mathbb{F}_q\) then the conjugation map is an \(\mathbb{F}_q\)-isomorphism that permutes the roots of the quadratic irreducible polynomial used to generate \(\mathbb{F}_{q^2}\) from \( \mathbb{F}_q[x]\).
There exists a family of Hermitian codes invariant under \(PGL(2,GF(q))\) [4].
Distance determined by properties of the Hermitian curve, the underlying field, and the functions used [5]; see [6; Sec. 5.3] for the general result. For evaluations of polynomials up to degree \(D\), the Hermitian code protects against at least \(n - (q+1)D\) errors whenever \(D < q + 1 \). If \(D \geq q+1 \), the Hermitian code protects against at least \(n-k - \frac{q(q-1)}{2} + 1\) errors.Rate
For polynomial evaluations up to degree \(D\): if \(D < q + 1 \), \(k = \frac{(D+1)(D+2)}{2}\), and if \(D \geq q + 1 \), \(k = (q+1)D - \frac{q(q-1)}{2} + 1 \).Decoding
Unique decoding using syndromes and error locator ideals for polynomial evaluations. Note that Hermitian codes are linear codes so we can compute the syndrome of a received vector. Moreover, akin to the error-locator ideals found in decoding RS codes, for the multivariate case we must define an error locator ideal \(\Lambda \) such that the variety of this ideal over \(\mathbb{F}^{2}_q\) is exactly the set of errors. The Sakata algorithm uses these two ingredients to get a unique decoding procedure [7].Cousins
- Generalized RS (GRS) code— Hermitian codes are concatenated GRS codes [8].
- Group-algebra code— Some Hermitian codes are group-algebra codes [9][10; Remark 16.4.14].
- Hermitian-hypersurface code— Hermitian-hypersurface codes reduce to Hermitian codes of polynomials when the hypersurface is a curve.
- Tamo-Barg-Vladut code— Tamo-Barg-Vladut codes can be defined on Hermitian curves.
- Asymmetric quantum code— Hermitian codes can be used to construct asymmetric Galois-qudit CSS codes [11].
Primary Hierarchy
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Page edit log
- Victor V. Albert (2022-08-09) — most recent
- Shashank Sule (2022-04-03)
Cite as:
“Hermitian code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022. https://errorcorrectionzoo.org/c/hermitian