In its basic version, a binary linear polar code encodes \(K\) message bits into \(N=2^n\) bits. The linear transformation that defines the code is given by the matrix \(G^{(n)}=B_N G^{\otimes n}\), where \(B_N\) is a certain \(N\times N\) permutation matrix, and \(G^{\otimes n}\) is the \(n\)th Kronecker power of the \(2\times 2\) kernel matrix \(G=\left[\begin{smallmatrix}1 & 0\\ 1 & 1 \end{smallmatrix}\right]\). To encode \(K\) message bits, one forms an \(N\)-vector \(u\) in which \(K\) coordinates represent the message bits. The remaining \(N-K\) coordinates are set to some fixed values and are said to be frozen. The codeword \(x \in \{0,1\}^N\) is obtained as \(x=u G^{\otimes n}\).
The choice of the frozen coordinates depends on the communication channel, and they correspond to the least reliable bits on the output of the channel under a particular decoding procedure called successive cancellation decoding. If the communication channel is input-symmetric, the values of the frozen bits can be set to zero.
There are multiple variants of the above basic construction, in particular relying on other kernel matrices [3]. The codes can be defined for nonbinary alphabets, and they can be adjusted to support tasks such as lossless and lossy compression, successive refinement, communication over the mulitple access channel, communication over the wiretap channel, and many others.
The affine automorphism group of polar codes is the lower-triangular affine group [4,5].
Protects against various types of noise in the communication channel, for instance, errors, erasures, or other types of noise. Distance plays no role in the analysis of its properties, and is much lower than the largest possible value given \(K,N\). Polar codes often need to be tailored for a given channel, but universal constructions also exist [6].Rate
Supports reliable transmission at rates \(K/N\) approaching the Shannon capacity of the channel under the successive cancellation decoder [2,7]; see also Refs. [8,9].Decoding
Successive cancellation (SC) decoder [2].Successive cancellation list (SCL) decoder [10] and a modification utilizing sequence repetition (SR-List) [11].Soft cancellation (SCAN) decoder [12,13].Belief propagation (BP) decoder [14].Noisy quantum gate-based decoder [15].Realizations
Code control channels for the 5G NR (New Radio) interfaces [16].Notes
For more details, see Refs. [17,18].See Kaiserslautern database [19] and the pretty-good-codes database [20] for explicit representatives and benchmarking.Codes have been benchmarked using AFF3CT toolbox [21].Polar codes are also useful for source coding [22].Cousins
- Reed-Muller (RM) code— The generator matrices of RM and polar codes are different submatrices of Kronecker products of Hadamard matrices; see Ref. [23]. There are families interpolating between the two codes [24].
- Polar c-q code— Quantum-classical polar codes generalize polar codes for transmission through channels with quantum output.
- Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code— CRC codes concataned with polar codes yield improved performance of the SCL polar-code decoder [10,25,26].
- Quantum polar code— Without entanglement assistance, quantum polar codes are CSS codes constructed out of polar codes.
- Branching MERA code— Classical versions of branching MERA codes can be thought of as extensions of polar codes [27,28].
Primary Hierarchy
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- Victor V. Albert (2022-07-12) — most recent
- Alexander Barg (2021-11-10)
- Victor V. Albert (2021-11-04)
Cite as:
“Polar code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.