A \(q\)-ary code for which balls of some radius centered at its codewords provide a weighted covering of the Hamming space.
Let the outer or weight distribution of a \(q\)-ary string \(x\) with respect to a \(q\)-ary code \(C\) be \(A(x) = \left( A_0(x),A_1(x),\cdots,A_n(x) \right)\), where \begin{align} A_j(x) = \left|\{ c \in C~\text{such that}~ D(c,x)=j \}\right|~, \tag*{(1)}\end{align} and \(D\) is the Hamming distance. Given a tuple \(m=(m_1,m_2,\cdots,m_n)\) of rational numbers, the \(m\)-density of the code at \(x\) is \begin{align} \theta(x) = \sum_{j=0}^n m_j A_j(x)~. \tag*{(2)}\end{align}
A code is an \(m\)-weighted covering if \(\theta(x)\geq1\) for all strings \(x\in GF(q)^n\). The \(m\)-covering radius \(r\) is the largest \(j\) for which \(m_j\) is nonzero.
See book [1] for an expositions on weighted covering codes and generalized sphere-packing bounds.See book [2], Table 7.5.18 for tables of codes with particular weighted coverings.Member of code lists
Primary Hierarchy
- [1]
- G. Cohen, I. Honkala, S. Litsyn, A. Lobstein, Covering codes. Elsevier, 1997.
- [2]
- J. H. van Lint, Introduction to Coding Theory (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992) DOI
Page edit log
- Victor V. Albert (2022-07-19) — most recent
Cite as:
“Weighted-covering code”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.