For any dimensional lattice \(L\), the dual lattice is the set of vectors whose inner products with the elements of \(L\) are integers.
More technically, the dual lattice is \begin{align} L^{\perp} = \{ y\in \mathbb{R}^{n} ~|~ x \cdot y \in \mathbb{Z} ~\forall~ x \in L\}, \tag*{(1)}\end{align} where the Euclidean inner product is used.
A lattice that is contained in its dual, \(L \subseteq L^\perp\), is called integral. The Gram matrix of such a lattice has integer entries, and its dual is contained in a suitably scaled version of itself, \(L^{\perp} \subseteq L/\det L\). Integral lattices are classified into even or odd, where the norm squared of every lattice vector is an even or odd integer, respectively.
A lattice that is equal to its dual, \(L^\perp = L\), is called unimodular or self-dual.
The Gram matrix of \(L^{\perp}\) is the inverse of that of \(L\). The generator matrix of \(L^{\perp}\) is the transposed inverse of that of \(L\).Cousins
- Dual linear code— Dual lattices are lattice analogues of dual codes.
- Body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice— The bcc and fcc lattices are dual to each other.
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- Victor V. Albert (2022-02-25) — most recent
Cite as:
“Dual lattice”, The Error Correction Zoo (V. V. Albert & P. Faist, eds.), 2022.